Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mixed Blessings....

Today sure had all the emotions it could.

FIRST.... The house we hoped to purchase in Louisville will have Canadian Hanson kids in it next week!!!!! Their parents will join them too... along with the piano and everything in the horse trailer! We are REALLY excited about BEDS!! There are not many hurdles to pass now -sellers want to move out and buyers (us) want to move IN!!! Now if the Canadian dollar could just take a big leap upwards for a day or two..... We are excited and pleased- now the task of trying to find mattresses and furniture with out cluttering up the place!

A few hours later we heard the sad news... early this morning my dear Grand Pop passed away one day before his 93rd birthday! I am incredibly thankful that we took the trip down to the coast to see him before we left for Louisville! It will be tough to have him gone.... I will miss his deep laugh, loving prayers and big hugs! A little hard being this far away too... I guess we'll see what the next few days bring...

One year ago today we flew to New Zealand!! How much more could we fit in a year? I am blessed as I look back and see God's good hand in everything- easy and hard!

Please pray for all our family... here in Louisville and home in Canada...

PS this is a pic from our visit with Pop in July 2009.


Anonymous said...

Great news about your home, I'm so happy for you! At the same time I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpop, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care of each other, The Harms'

Amy Olson said...

great news about your home! It is inspiring to read about your adventures... knowing we don't have to get "stuck" in a "normal" North American lifestyle but can trust God to lead us His way, even with 3 kids! (As Joel and I think more and more about going overseas to the mission field...) Anyways, I'm praying for you, hope the house stuff all works out!

Andrea said...

Way to go on the Driver's test results, I thought you would have to be able to navigate a horse in Kentucky? House looks beautiful and ready for family living. Sorry about Grandpop, sounds like he is with you though.
All look great in the uniforms - where
is Teresa's tunic.....
Love from us Andrea, Marcel and Pierson.