Saturday, August 29, 2009

What a crazy week....

Well.... Keith and Teresa own a house! As a friend said as we moved in, "It's the little house that seems big!" We are beyond thankful for this place and look forward to the time we will have here.

The transaction happened on Tuesday in between Keith's classes, school stuff for the kids and living in the extended stay. Of course in all the craziness my camera battery was dead- so no fun pic with Vince our amazing realtor! After we signed the papers, our family got quick take out, ate in the empty dining room and sent Keith back off to classes for the day!

The big move went on through out Wednesday and the trailer was finally empty by 7 pm! Mike W said, "That was the best packing job I've ever seen!"- that is a huge compliment to my dad given that Mike has helped MANY people move here to Louisville! The piano- my 4th child- arrived safely and looks great in the living room. Ellie is back at her music everyday now. As we unpacked all of my winter gear was commented on frequently! Apparently we do not need snow pants, sorel boots, gortex winter jackets, mittens and toques. The Gordons (from NZ) and the Withers (from Texas) could not believe that I brought all that! Now Andrew H- from Canada- was more sympathetic, but I have been assured that our family will be over dressed come winter- except for a couple of days.

In the afternoon, I had 3 friends come and help clean. There were 13 kids running around the house and everyone was SO good! The older girls helped clean too and the house looks great. It was a hard day given that my grandfather's funeral was happening at home and I was not there. Keith bought me a red rose to remember Pop and I bought MANY packages of orange Tic Tacs for all the kids who were here. (Pop gave out Tic Tacs to kids at church growing up) When I was at the checkout in Walmart with all the Tic Tacs, the saleslady asked about them and I started crying right there and then! I told them all about my grandpa and the funeral, the lady in line behind me was teary too- one of those moments I guess. At coffee time for the ladies we all sat down on my new kitchen floor and visited- I cannot begin to describe the blessing that time was for me! God always provides family where ever you go!

So we are in the door and slowly unpacking. Our queen bed will not fit into the basement or the upstairs bedroom, we do not have beds for the kids nor do we have a couch. The kids' cubby closet for their backpacks- that Keith made us- will also not fit into the house! Oh dear. We will slowly unpack around here and acquire furniture off Craig's list as it comes up! All in good time!

I am sorry that I could not make the funeral for Grandpop. It was a celebration of God's goodness and grace to our family and many others! Looking back over the past couple days I can see that I was meant to be here in Louisville- for many reasons!

Thank you for your prayers and love! I will post again soon as I still need to write about our trip to Fort Knox and the Kentucky State Fair!

1 comment:

eva said...

Teresa - the house looks really great. There is something about the colors of the kitchen that remind me of your kitchen at the farm! It looks really cozy and warm.