Saturday, August 29, 2009

Louisville sights....

In between all the busy stuff we have managed to fit in a few fun things! School will start next week so it is nice to say that we have done a few summer fun things!

Yesterday we went to the LARGE Kentucky State Fair with the Gordon Family. We saw pigs sing and dance, Lumber Gills saw and throw axes, dogs jump 20 feet to catch a frisbee, Kenyan acrobats (wow!) and all the displays we could fit in with 7 kids! The cake decorating was the most incredible I've ever seen and some of the quilts were impressive. Again- it was HOT and HUMID- thank goodness for hats and sunscreen! Somehow we almost lost Megan as we were leaving, but she was only a little scared. I think I was more frightened that her! I think every one's legs were tired, but what a great day with the Gordon family.

We acquired season passes to the Louisville Zoo- which is only 15 minutes away. Luke really liked King Louie the albino croc. The day we went it was HOT and HUMID- so I think next time we'll plan our visit on a cooler day.

Keith and I drove the kids out by Fort Knox to pick up a kitchen table last week. On the way back to Louisville Keith decided to see Fort Knox- you know the place with all the GOLD? As we arrive Keith fails to completely notice the rules for visitors and drives us straight into the security section- the place with armed guards and SECURITY! We have a BIG truck with Canadian BC plates, a load in the back- our new table- covered in sleeping bags and tie downs and no visitors pass! I guess with the 3 kids and looking rather innocent the guards only took our ID's and asked a few questions. They started laughing (sort of) when I told them that my husband only wanted to say that he's been to Fort Knox. After a few more questions from the guards we were told that we could not visit and that we would need to have a military escort- that we knew- but we could go see the museum down the highway about 5 miles!!! Boy was I glad to get out of there- although I was briefly tempted to ask them for a photo. I'm pretty sure the guards had a good laugh after we left.

Today was back to unpacking and looking for beds for the kids! Keith is studying and reading as much as he can. I sure miss my mom today- she knows how to organize a kitchen!

Teresa & Keith and the kids!

PS- I broke the GPS when the kids and I were downtown Louisville getting water, electricity and gas hooked up. That was quite the adventure finding our way home...

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