Monday, August 17, 2009

Off to School for Keith!

So the big day is here! Back to school for Keith! I remember taking a picture of Keith on his last day of Agriculture school at UBC in 1995- he had his mountain bike and back-pack. We lived in a tiny basement suite in Vancouver BC close to where we got married. Shortly after he graduated we moved to Creston to begin farming. When I took that photo I remember thinking that we would never be students again- how wrong I was!

Keith will begin his Masters of Divinity Program today at SBTS- classes start at 8 am and he has 3 today- Systematic Theology 3, Models of Divine Providence and Greek Exegesis 2. Keith challenged the Greek first year course last week, passed the test and got the last spot in the Greek 2 class he really wanted to be in- thank you God! He was pleased that after a long break from school he still can write a test- and pass! I am so proud of him! He also has another class that starts Friday- so his week is really full with classes Tues, Thurs and Fridays!

The kids are officially signed up and registered for the Homeschooling school- Dorothy Sayers. I am also quite proud if the kids for working hard over their summer break so that they can be ready to jump into Classical Education. Megan has Grammar 3 and all her Phonograms to learn, Luke- Phonograms and Ellie grade 6 math review. Ellie will take a math placement test tomorrow- she is nervous. Megan and Luke will need to demonstrate that they know and can write all 71 phonograms by next week and Megan will need to show that she knows her grade 3 grammar, sentence diagramming and Latin prefixes! Yikes! This has been quite the task considering we are living in a one room hotel.

The hotel thing is getting old, but I am always amazed at how 3 kids can get along; play AMAZING games with Lego; use the Costco box for rides, Lego homes, dolly beds, turtle shells and drawing art; sleep on the floor in one room; and NOT drive their mom crazy! And of course the pool was closed this week- grrr...! We do get out pretty often though- the kids have joined the cross country team and run 2-3 miles 3 times per week and there are a lot of things to sort out with moving/ buying a house and starting school- we get out lots!

Please pray for the house we are hoping to buy- there are a few details to sort out and with any deal- things could fall through! We would like to know soon if things are going to sort out- I can live in the extended stay for a while longer if I know I have a house to move to- BUT if not- we need to be in a rental apartment ASAP! I would prefer a good house, but as always God provides the best for us... never a dull moment I guess!

That's all for now- thanks for reading- miss you all at home and love you lots!
Teresa and the school crew!

PS the photos are taken with Al Mohler the president of SBTS! He asked the kids if they liked broccoli ice cream....


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Sounds like you have been super busy!! Praying everything is working out with the housing situation. Praying for good transitions into the school year for all of you! Spoke with Keith's parents at Church and then ran into your Mom, Teresa at Overwaitea. They sure miss you guys!

The Grimms

Tina, said...

So great to read how everyone is doing. You are a remarkable family. Looking forward toreadig more, although I feel somewhat like I'm reading your diary. Wishing you all the best,and looking for a fab OT scarf.... Tina

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Keith, on your start at seminary. Many blessings to you.

I laughed out loud at the mention of broccoli ice cream. We have a good friend in Ontario who has long enjoyed teasing children with that prospect . . . he encourages them to go looking for it the next time they're in a grocery store.
