Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Break 2010 - Part 1

Spring Break 2010....
We've had an amazing time away for family time and some fun. We drove 10 hours to Williamsburg, Virginia- somehow 10 hours does not seem all that long on an interstate road. The kids were so excited to go somewhere... we have not been outside Kentucky since we arrived in August. Now Keith did drive me across the bridge to Indiana one January afternoon, but that has been the limit of our travels until now. I've often wondered if the kids have retained their NZ ability to pack their own bags and get themselves out the door to travel ... yep- they still amaze me! They were in the van and ready to go before Keith and I....

We have enjoyed visiting historic Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Busch Gardens, Jamestown and Yorktown. The highlight for me of course was the beach, but the kids sure liked Busch Gardens. The heat has been remarkable to say the least- not all the leaves are on the trees yet and at 10 pm at night you can sit outside with no jersey... not complaining- just thankful for a pool and A/C :)

Colonial Williamsburg was really old and really historic. We can't tell you about all the sites because we are too cheap to pay the big bucks to go inside all the really old places... BUT it was beautiful with all the spring blossoms and old historic buildings. We did get to watch a fife and drum march and walk through some of the William and Mary College in Williamsburg. The political and slave history here is remarkable and well documented.

We also visited Jamestown and Yorktown... I sure do not know my history very well, but I know more now than a week ago :) Did you know that Jamestown - the first British settlement - is over 400 years old??

1 comment:

Geraldine said...

Beautiful pictures of your family. So happy you were able to enjoy time together. Blessings to all. Geraldine and family