Thursday, March 18, 2010

Luke's life!

After a couple blog entries on the girls I thought I'd bring you up to speed on the young man in the house. He sure is a sweet lad these days. Yesterday when I was feeling a little overwhelmed he asks, "Mom, what can I do to help you get things done?" I asked him to wash the dishes and it was done. I was pretty humbled by his kind and gentle spirit towards his mom!

Luke is so very thrilled that the weather is warmer and he can get OUT! He sure misses all the hay bales and outdoors from the farm, but he is adjusting just fine. He is also working hard at his school work. One of the pictures shows all the flash cards he has made of the Latin and Greek roots he now knows!

Keith is in the middle if crazy mid-terms and the Advanced Greek Grammar is proving to be a challenging course to say the least. He still loves learning the languages... study, study, study!

We're looking forward to spring break in a few weeks and some big school papers being written and turned IN!

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