Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We have a "new" van...

After we got our KY drivers' license we could finally buy a vehicle! Craig's list came through again and we found the perfect one... a Honda Odyssey (2002)!! After driving the same van for 10 years we could not come up with a better option when getting another vehicle. I love that I can sit in the van and feel totally comfortable- YAY! The kids all know where their place is to sit and how to work the doors. Not what we planned, but it is great!

As for the GPS- all I can say is that Costco is awesome!! They took the broken GPS back- no questions asked. They gave me money- more than the cost of a new one! So I now have a GPS again and cannot get lost anymore. (Although today I did have to take a lengthy detour on the way to bible study- ooops!)

Megan has joined a Proverbs 31 girls' bible study with several other girls and their moms! We are just thrilled to have such a wonderful community around us. Between SBTS, Dorothy Sayers School and Immanuel Church we are so welcomed and cared for!

Keith and the kids are hard at work with the studies. Most days I can keep up with everything, but there are moments when I wonder how we are going to get everything done! Every week we seem to get more things checked off the list of settling in things to do, but then I remember the some that I've put off.. like orthodontics and piano lessons...

I am thankful for the patience I am learning... mostly! God shows me every day more reasons why we are here and how He is growing us with a purpose in mind. Life is not dull!!

I miss Creston this week. I love the mountains and crisp air!! Love to all at home.

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