Monday, July 27, 2009

On the road to the USA!

We actually made it out of Canada and into the USA today. We are pulling Dad's trailer with Dad's truck- with ALL our "stuff." We said many teary good byes to Keith's parents, Keith's brothers (and kids), some more dear friends and Teresa's parents. The kids said good bye to Snowbell their cat and I said good bye to our mini van. I think I am cried out. As we crossed the border the kids could see our old farm across the river- so many memories!

The past few days have flown by! I had a few physiotherapy work things that needed completing before I left and miraculously it all worked out! Thank you Lord!

We had our last Sunday at our home church. We so appreciate our Pastor and his wife- thank you Brian & Melodie! You have been a gift to us!

Yikes- all the good-byes! But the kids are sure keen to see who their new friends will be in Louisville! As we travelled NZ we were constantly amazed at how new friends came about so often.

We made it tonight as far as Coeur d'Alene. We need a good night's sleep and will get into a full day of travel tomorrow! The kids all have their own stash of gum from Grandmas and I have a good adapter for the DVD player if the need arises!

Thank you to all at home who helped us move and made sure we know how loved we are! We love you too!

Teresa & Keith
Elania, Megan and Luke....

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