Sunday, January 1, 2012

Photos from Fall 2011...

Here are some photos from this past fall!  I hope to not get so behind on the blog again - these seem like forever ago!  Enjoy.....

Megan's volleyball Team

Megan's ready position- NICE! 

Back to DSCS for year #3 

Saying farewell to our precious Latesha! 

We love this girl and MISS her in our home! 

Football game with the Foys!

Candace in KENTUCKY!  

The kids in Old Louisville

Churchill Downs! 

Happy 17th Anniversary 

Happy 40th Birthday to me with Candace!!  

My sweet Janie! 

some fun girls at the park! 

Sunset at Waterfront Park

some awesome Louisville friends! 
Great basketball shot Luke! 

Halloween Ninjas! 


The Lukes who came 2nd in the Crokinole Tourny! 

Happy 14th Birthday Elaina Ruth :) 

Early Christmas with Papa and Gramma

Gramma knows how to sew awesome jammies!

cozy kids ready for winter thanks to Gramma

Keith in a suit and TIE!  

Keith's first wedding he officiated:) 

Cancun!  just the 2 of us :) 

1 comment:

Foy Family said...

Wow! What a year in review for you guys! So thankful we got to spend time with y'all in Kentucky!! Makes you feel not so far away being able to picture where you are! Our hearts are filled with much gratitude for having your precious family in our lives... many blessings for a wonderful 2012! Happy New Year!! Love and hugs from the Foy Family xoxoxox