Friday, June 24, 2011

Florida 2011

The Hanson family "needed" to see the beach again so we made the 10 hour trek to SeaGrove, Florida for a week of relaxing and spending time as a family.  We enjoyed the warm water, hearing the waves and walking in sand!  Sure made us miss NZ- heaps :)  We also enjoyed 2 days with "royalty" as we hung out with the KING family- what a joy to be with friends on a holiday.

tubing with Alexis and Rachel

The old guy still has what it takes! 

Ellie got up no problem! 

yes- we really brought these 3 with us:) 

I love this guy! 

The King family with us on the Blackwater river 

sand crab :) 

As we drove south to Florida we went through Tennessee and Alabama - it was a whole new experience to see the south.  Keith stopped at a road side place in Alabama for fresh watermelon, cantaloupes and BOILED peanuts... well we could hardly understand these guys with their southern accent.  Then there was Luverne, Alabama- I'm still trying to find a category in my brain that would begin to describe that town.

The Florida gulf coast beaches were white as I've ever seen- like flour almost.  The sand squeaked under your feet while you walked.    We managed to stay in a quiet area with quiet beaches, but there was a fresh bloom of algae so our swim suits were FULL of green guck after every swim.   We still swam lots!

So all said and done- we are home with a tan and some good memories.  Keith had lots of reading and 2 papers to do while we were away- so reality kept up with us :)  But one cannot complain if you get to go to the beach.

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