Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Break 2011- Canada Eh?

We've just returned from Spring Break 2011 and are happy to see our own beds :) We planned a driving holiday to see friends that have moved on from Seminary.... and to get back to Canada. What an awesome and refreshing time with friends in between some long drives to see new country and places.

We drove to Vienna, Ohio to see Jason and Casey Cashell as they have been ministering there for 6 months. It was awesome to play with their cute little boys, sit by the cozy fire, laugh often, eat well, see their church family and hear Jason preach.

As we left there we drove north through Pennsylvania and New York states to get to Niagara Falls CANADA! As we passed into Canada the kids had to sing our national anthem and I sighed relief as we got through the border okay- again.

Niagara Falls was incredible! Of course it has been one of the coldest winters on record so the falls still had snow at the bottom and we FROZE! It tried to snow on several occasions, but we bundled up and carried on.  The rumbling from the falls and the spray from the water was an incredible sensory experience. We drove over to Niagara on the Lake and enjoyed seeing a lake that you cannot see the other side of. We are now much more familiar with the geography of the region and can appreciate the vastness of the great lakes.

After 2 nights in Niagara we traveled

3 hours west to see Melanie and Andrew Hall who are pastoring a church in Ilderton, Ontario. Our kids were so keen to play with their kids- there was a lot of happy reunion sounds when we finally got their their place! We enjoyed seeing their church, watching the Maple syrup process at their friends' farm, hearing the kids make up game after game, holding their sweet little Brita- a new addition since seminary and praying together.

We were so blessed with our times with both families and could see how the Lord is working through their ministries to reach the unsaved, teach the sheep and grow in GRACE. We'll be entering into ministry all too soon-Lord willing- it was good for us to spend time with them and learn.

So we're home and back to the grind. There are only a few weeks of school left and then it will be summer again. The spring in Kentucky is awesome this year and I am thoroughly enjoying all the blossoms in my yard. We are still trying to get the lawn even and green after we removed 2 large trees- it is taking awhile and the drought last year did not help previous efforts. Keith is into the books and deciding what to take over the summer- graduation time is getting closer and closer.

PS- we loved visiting Tim Hortons (yummy coffee and donuts) and Canadian tire (we got more hockey sticks and nets)

PPS We are looking forward to 2 weeks in Creston this summer- will be good to see some cousins and grand parents :)


babfamily said...

Thanks for sharing Teresa! We always enjoy reading your blog and seeing pic of your family!! Niagra Falls is amazing, we loved it too!! Take care and GO CANUCKS GO!!! xxxx

pam d said...

loved seeing the pictures of your trip! beautiful scenery & a beautiful family!