Monday, July 20, 2009

Our last week at home....

We are down to the final countdown and it seems like there are not enough days to do it all. We still plan to be on the road by the 27th of July- hope we can make that target- we have a lot of the USA to see!

Keith's parents- Morris and Diane- celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this week - such good memories. Ellie wore the wedding dress and the older girls wore some of Diane's old dresses. My sister-in-law and I fit into a couple of her former frocks as well- so good for laughs! Keith and I are blessed by both sets of parents celebrating 40 years of marriage this past year- God's grace is amazing!

Last week Keith and I drove the kids to Kelowna to see my sister and Keith's brother- and their families- more good-byes! I had a hard time seeing my sister for the last time for a whole year. She is a best friend and awesome auntie! So many great memories- can't describe them all- but ice cream and a home movie by the lake is hard to top! Thanks D&L&T&A!

After Kelowna we made the trek to Abbotsford and the lower mainland to see my grand Pop- he will be 93 in August and we wanted to see him! The visit was wonderful. Pop prayed a special blessing over Keith and I and the kids- pretty teary- but powerful! After we left the hospital for the last time Megan- my observant child- said "That was sad. What happens if Pop lives to be 100?" She does ask the good questions. We know that we will see Pop again regardless of how long he lives, but time will tell....

So down to the last few days. Still have a van to sell- with some issues- that Keith needs to fix. Still have a truck to sell- with minor issues- but will need to go! Good thing we don't have any kids to sell! We also have plenty of furniture to give away too! Must travel light! So I am looking forward to seeing how God will help us sort all this out in a few days!

Thanks for reading. After promising the whole facebook thing- Keith tried it for a few days and then quit. He couldn't handle the emails and notes- kind of like how he handles Walmart or useless plastics toys or store bought milk or roller blind installation or ..... I think you get the picture. So maybe once I get a little more time- I may sign myself up with a different email account that my husband won't be traumatized by! Too funny!

Love to all and blessings. May God give you the grace you need for today! It is good!

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