Friday, July 31, 2009

Almost there....

We are almost to Louisville. The past two days have been on the road - zipping by acres and acres of corn and soy bean crops! I cannot believe all the corn planted here. Even the farming guy was impressed. The kids have endured and survived the truck- so far the bickering has been limited- but there have been moments! I am thankful for the DVD player and music. Keith and I are coping with our backs- we usually have our dose of meds and carry on. The GPS has been an asset to the trip- it has only let us down when we wanted to find a Starbucks that had closed down- I was not pleased- a good coffee can keep you going!

We stopped in Cedar Rapids, South Dakota last night and experienced a dodgy buffet across the road from our hotel. I was hoping that we would not call it the barf-et by morning! Luckily all our tummies were fine. Tonight we are in Edinburgh, Indiana at a hotel right beside a massive outlet mall. Keith wonders if I planned this stop, but nope- just the way it worked out! Of course we got here too late to shop- oh well!

So tomorrow is the big day- arrive in Louisville! I know the kids are excited, but there is SO much to do and figure out! I am once again looking forward to seeing how God will provide and trusting in His good plans! Our kids are really excited to meet a family from NZ and their 4 kids. The dad attends SBTS and 3 of their kids attend the same school I am hoping to get our 3 into. I'm still amazed at how we met this family- God is so cool!

We are grateful for a safe trip so far, good roads, nice hotels (with pools) and the fact that we are still laughing with each other! There have been a few moments when the "special seat" in the back of the truck has been offered to a un-cooperative child- but so far no-one has needed to "ride the bike" in the back!

P.S. the photo of the river is the mighty MISSISSIPPI! It was impressive to drive over!

Thank you for your prayers and love. Miss you all at home!
Hanson Family

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Travelling in the USA....

Okay- we live on a BIG continent! After 2 FULL days of travel I have seen a lot of big sky Montana and prairie South Dakota. When we lay down we can still feel the truck moving and swaying along. So far the truck has covered 1200 miles- we are half way to Louisville Kentucky. I cannot imagine trying to get to the East Coast!

On Tuesday we left Coeur d'Alene and saw Montana for a whole day until we reached Billings- in the pouring rain. The kids were good about trying to help tape up the open spot on the back of the trailer- in the pouring rain! Everyone was really hungry and we know that Luke's disposition is always improved with food- so we went to Denny's across the road- which happened to have free kids' meals that night- Luke had two and then polished off mine!

Montana really does have big skies and we loved all the beautiful hills, valleys and rivers. The kids were quite interested in the "Testicle Festival" in Clinton- it starts this week- too bad we were on a schedule! Apparently the Rocky Mountain Prairie Oysters are a delicacy there! I think I'll pass this time....

This morning we woke up bright and early thanks to wiggly kids and a noisy fan in the room. We set off to see Mt. Rushmore and get as far we could. Montana is a BIG state, but was gorgeous to see. Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota was a neat sight, but we did not stay long- we were too cheap to pay $50 to park in the lot. Keith drove by really slow and we stopped for the profile views! I think the monument is more impressive the closer you get!

After yet another trip to Walmart for car food (we try to not eat out and make easy food while we travel) and new DVD's we finished travelling by 9 pm (local time)- so the kids can have a quick swim before bed.

We are planning to pull into Louisville sometime Saturday afternoon. Not sure what route to take from here- will decide that tonight after kiddos settle down! We are still trying to figure out the best sleeping configuration with the kids- tonight the wiggly one is one her OWN! Let's hope that results in more sleep!

Good night and thanks for reading.....
love the Hanson crew from Canada

Monday, July 27, 2009

On the road to the USA!

We actually made it out of Canada and into the USA today. We are pulling Dad's trailer with Dad's truck- with ALL our "stuff." We said many teary good byes to Keith's parents, Keith's brothers (and kids), some more dear friends and Teresa's parents. The kids said good bye to Snowbell their cat and I said good bye to our mini van. I think I am cried out. As we crossed the border the kids could see our old farm across the river- so many memories!

The past few days have flown by! I had a few physiotherapy work things that needed completing before I left and miraculously it all worked out! Thank you Lord!

We had our last Sunday at our home church. We so appreciate our Pastor and his wife- thank you Brian & Melodie! You have been a gift to us!

Yikes- all the good-byes! But the kids are sure keen to see who their new friends will be in Louisville! As we travelled NZ we were constantly amazed at how new friends came about so often.

We made it tonight as far as Coeur d'Alene. We need a good night's sleep and will get into a full day of travel tomorrow! The kids all have their own stash of gum from Grandmas and I have a good adapter for the DVD player if the need arises!

Thank you to all at home who helped us move and made sure we know how loved we are! We love you too!

Teresa & Keith
Elania, Megan and Luke....

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tears and more tears....

Today was the big pack up! Our little rental town house is mostly empty and now has the echo..... The kids are on the floor on in sleeping bags and Keith and I are "camping" a bit with an air-bed. The "moving crew" (aka Dave Ruth Mike Candace Keith and me) had to begin dinner with an appropriate dose of Ibuprofen, and are all ready for some well deserved sleep. My mom and dad sure know how to move and pack. I'm still deciding if moving is a skill that I want to get even better at..... at this moment in time the answer is NO!

The tears have been on tap for a few days now. It is awfully hard to say good bye to home. Keith has lived here all his life except for the 5 years at university. I have been here since Keith brought me all the way out to the country from the city in 1995! We have amazing friends and wonderful family. The other night Luke had to say good night to his cousins and he just started crying because he thought it was time to say the final good bye. I can't think about saying good bye to grandparents without tears. One would think the water would run out---- apparently not yet!

We still have a several good byes to get through- I have one dear friend who just avoids me--- she detests the whole leaving thing! I will probably cry when we sell the van too- We have driven that Honda Odyssey for 10 years exactly! Keith bought it new July 31, 1999- the only rules with the new van was that I had to drive it for 10 years and I had to fill it! Now it is exactly 10 years and I have done my part with the filling- maybe not all with kids- but that van has moved a whole lot of interesting things!

Prayers are much appreciated. We have 3500 kms to drive this week and in all the busy times we have not figured out each detail of the driving trip. We have lots to figure out when we get to Kentucky too....

Love to all at home.... You are going to be missed!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our last week at home....

We are down to the final countdown and it seems like there are not enough days to do it all. We still plan to be on the road by the 27th of July- hope we can make that target- we have a lot of the USA to see!

Keith's parents- Morris and Diane- celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this week - such good memories. Ellie wore the wedding dress and the older girls wore some of Diane's old dresses. My sister-in-law and I fit into a couple of her former frocks as well- so good for laughs! Keith and I are blessed by both sets of parents celebrating 40 years of marriage this past year- God's grace is amazing!

Last week Keith and I drove the kids to Kelowna to see my sister and Keith's brother- and their families- more good-byes! I had a hard time seeing my sister for the last time for a whole year. She is a best friend and awesome auntie! So many great memories- can't describe them all- but ice cream and a home movie by the lake is hard to top! Thanks D&L&T&A!

After Kelowna we made the trek to Abbotsford and the lower mainland to see my grand Pop- he will be 93 in August and we wanted to see him! The visit was wonderful. Pop prayed a special blessing over Keith and I and the kids- pretty teary- but powerful! After we left the hospital for the last time Megan- my observant child- said "That was sad. What happens if Pop lives to be 100?" She does ask the good questions. We know that we will see Pop again regardless of how long he lives, but time will tell....

So down to the last few days. Still have a van to sell- with some issues- that Keith needs to fix. Still have a truck to sell- with minor issues- but will need to go! Good thing we don't have any kids to sell! We also have plenty of furniture to give away too! Must travel light! So I am looking forward to seeing how God will help us sort all this out in a few days!

Thanks for reading. After promising the whole facebook thing- Keith tried it for a few days and then quit. He couldn't handle the emails and notes- kind of like how he handles Walmart or useless plastics toys or store bought milk or roller blind installation or ..... I think you get the picture. So maybe once I get a little more time- I may sign myself up with a different email account that my husband won't be traumatized by! Too funny!

Love to all and blessings. May God give you the grace you need for today! It is good!