Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wellington and Kaikoura...

After a minor "adventure" finding the Interislander ferry terminal and safe ferry passage from Wellington to Picton.  We travelled south to Kaikoura and stayed one night.  The roads on the South Island seem less narrow and windy, but I still gasp at the crazy drivers who pass on a dotted line around a corner!  

The ferry was smooth and calm as the day we sailed was gorgeous and sunny!  Apparently the waves can be big and the ferry known as the "vomit comet" - but we had no such experience (we do need to back though!)  As we were waiting outside our cars to board -a family we met in KeriKeri in September was on the ferry!   Megan was writing the their little girl and she was THRILLED to see her!  This took away any of Megan's fears - she was having too much FUN!  

As we came into Picton the Marlborough sound was amazing!  A little like the BC coast line, but with teal blue waters!  The ocean never ceases to be beautiful here.  After we got inland the countryside was BROWN!  It felt like the interior of BC in parts- until we stopped at the seal colony!  We saw a  large group of seals on the rocks sunning themselves and fighting over good spots to "hangout."   They were a smelly bunch too!

Kaikoura was a small town with lots of whale and dolphin watching tours.  We opted for the free hike and "hope you can see some whales for free!"  We didn't see any big sea life, but the sunset was incredible.  God's creation is beautiful!

We feel like nomads again, but it is fun to see what's around the next corner as we travel!

1 comment:

eva said...

I love the stories. Happy New Year - especially since you got to ring it in before us - first in the world I hear.
We had a great Christmas and got to enjoy Ruth and Dave who don't seem to be deterred by the snow.
Hope you enjoy the last few weeks of your excellent adventure.
Love Eva