Monday, December 29, 2008

 I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and did not get stuck in the snow!  It looked like a white season for all of Canada.  Our NZ friends loved the pickies of my sister's skating rink in her backyard.  I think I could miss snow- just not yet.   

 Our Christmas in NZ was truly different than a Canadian holiday, but great all the same.  We managed to NOT get homesick and NOT cry when we chatted with family.  I was impressed and surprised!  We spent time with Brad's family, Mr. G's family and some good friends from Whakatane.  The kids had plenty of prezzies and good food.  We did manage to have turkey (chook) dinner (tea) from Grandma G.  There were even a few kids to play with along the way.  The only snow we encountered was the icing sugar sprinkled on the dessert!  Boysenberries are in season right now so we have had a good dose of those as well!   I think we'll enjoy the snow more next year, that will depend on how much is waiting for us in February.....

After spending 4 months here we do not sound like Kiwis yet and we are still surprised by a few of their "traditions."  Like a "chippy sammy"- this would be a white bread with butter sandwich with french fries inside and lots of ketchup!  Not the healthiest thing I've ever tried- nor the yummiest.   And we northern folk have a few things that amaze the NZ folk here- the idea of a cookie exchange is totally foreign- who would bake that many cookies and then trade them?  Why wouldn't you just buy them?  (it is a good question really!)

Well I reckon this will be the last note from Ohope and Whakatane!  We are down to the last week here and are preparing to head for the South Island!  We will be sad to say good-bye to wonderful friends and a great place to live.  The past few days have been RAIN RAIN RAIN, but Christmas was sunny and nice.  Now all the plants are getting a good water and the Kiwis in tents are getting soggy!!  I'm amazed at how the NZ people love to camp and go to the beach.  Those Kiwi kids can catch a wave and boogie board/ surf.  Our 3 are getting better at the waves.  Now their mother is a different story- I quit before I totally gave all observers a good laugh!  Maybe I'll try again on the south island!

Missing all at home.  We are grateful for every day we have-  God is good!  

1 comment:

Kathy Couture said...

Hi Teresa,
Enjoyed your letter and blog. Sounds like a wonderful adventure! Enjoy your next few months in New Zealand! Best wishes to you and your family.
Kathy Couture