Friday, August 22, 2008

We made it to NZ!

We here in New Zealand! We arrived at the Auckland airport after a 14 hour flight that went really well! The kids all slept enough and watched a few movies. It was not as bad as I thought it might be!

We arrived in the dark at 6 am- pretty cold here- still winter- which is a bit of a shock after a HOT summer at home. Our good friend picked us up at the airport- thank goodnes- we were tired. We lasted for the whole day until about 7 pm- Luke fell asleep in my arms- even with food around- he didn't eat! All the kids were awake by 5 am, but were in good shape.

We are certainly cold here- it will take a few days to adjust. I'm glad I packed some warm clothes- hope I have enough. We have found a vehicle to buy and will get it on Tuesday- a Honda CRV- should be a good one.

We are off to Raglans tomorrow for the day- hope that the rain will not be an issue. It has been a WET winter here- rain!

Take care and thanks for reading. I hope to post some pictures once I can get our computer onto the internet!
bye for now....


McBlains said...

Hello Hanson Family!
It is wonderful to hear that you arrived safely! We are so happy for you that you will have this time together. Give the kids a hug for us, and enjoy every minute. We pray that God blesses your time together.

Canadian Foys said...

It is so great to get to check out your blog and see you guys! Glad the trip went well and that you are there safe and sound. Glad you already found a car too - may God's favor continue to go before you everywhere your family travels! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures - hugs from all of us to all of you!

babfamily said...

Hey guys!
Glad to hear that you made it and all is well:)try to stay warm as we are too!! Enjoy each moment of this exciting adventure.
Blessings on you!

Canadian Foys said...

Wow Let it BEGIN!! OF course your family knows that Raglan is famous for the best left handed point break in New Zealand (arguably the world)
Sounds like surfing is not foremost in your minds given the cool temps.
Whatever!! You ARE CANADIAN!
Truly a blessed place and a time of growth for your fam. Let God's overflow be felt in each day and encounter.

John T said...

Great to see the fresh look of adventure and change on all your faces. What a wonderful time we are living in when we can communicate from the otherside of the world in such vivid detail. I am sure your photos and stories are causing many who are viewing to rethink their priorties. My best to you all. John