Sunday, August 5, 2012

the Denver "Detour"

As we walked off the airplane in Denver- our stop over on our way home from Canada- we found out that our flight was cancelled :(  I was so looking forward to sleeping in my own bed BUT it turned out to be a great opportunity to make a PLAN "B" and go with the flow...  After a few tense moments we were able to get into a hotel room in Aurora, CO for one night and rent a car for a day.  Keith looked into all the fun things to do in Denver and he chose going up Mt. Evans as our spontaneous adventure.  It was like being back in NZ- kids crammed in the back of a small SUV, Teresa with the map (always an adventure!) , searching for decent coffee, navigating new roads and out to see what is around the next corner.  We named our rental the "Sugar Cube" and it was a wonderful unexpected day as a family!

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