Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fall 2012 and Football for Luke!

We are settling back into a routine of sorts with Keith beginning his last semester for his MDIV and the kids homeschooling this year.  It was a hard decision to leave the school the kids were attending as they loved the sports, friends and academics.  I am trying to pace myself at jumping into the books with the kids, but we've been at it for 3 weeks now and have gradually added new subjects each week.  By the time September starts we'll be full time in all subjects and hopefully have things sorted out.  There have been some tears - not only mine- since we have started math :(  It is hard to do school work when the weather is still so nice outside, but 3 months off from school is plenty enough- time for a routine again.

I do believe that this year will prove to be anything but routine!  We are still unsure about Keith doing more schooling after his MDIV which will mean us being all done seminary after December and making plans to move north to Canada once again.  Please pray for us as we make these decisions- it not an easy process and we intend to go where ever the Lord leads.... It is exciting and terrifying all at once!

Unfortunately the girls are not able to play on any volleyball teams this fall- bummer!  So one Friday afternoon I found myself spontaneously signing Luke up for ... FOOTBALL!  He loves it.  His arms are covered in bruises.  He is TIRED every night and falls asleep before his head hits the pillow.  I ask him to do 100 push-ups and sit-ups - "yes ma'am" he says! I have purchased an orange shirt so I can blend in with the other cheering moms- this would be my first orange shirt ever in my life! Megan and I had to endure the trip to the sports store to buy football pants and "other needed items" - all I can say is that Keith is going next time because I do not like the "cup" isle :( and neither does Megan :(  and Luke REALLY does not like his mother or sister helping him shop in the "cup" isle.

We go to these football games with other 'orange clad' enthusiastic parents who loudly cheer for their boys to "chase that boy with the ball, crush him and take him down!"  All the games are well attended and supported.  If the American anthem is being played anywhere within ear shot even during practice - EVERYONE stops and faces the flag with a hand over their heart.  I feel like we are getting the full American experience with the football crowd- it is fun.

Luke's good buddies Andrew and Josh

This is Luke's friend Hunter showing Luke football 101

Sunday, August 5, 2012

the Denver "Detour"

As we walked off the airplane in Denver- our stop over on our way home from Canada- we found out that our flight was cancelled :(  I was so looking forward to sleeping in my own bed BUT it turned out to be a great opportunity to make a PLAN "B" and go with the flow...  After a few tense moments we were able to get into a hotel room in Aurora, CO for one night and rent a car for a day.  Keith looked into all the fun things to do in Denver and he chose going up Mt. Evans as our spontaneous adventure.  It was like being back in NZ- kids crammed in the back of a small SUV, Teresa with the map (always an adventure!) , searching for decent coffee, navigating new roads and out to see what is around the next corner.  We named our rental the "Sugar Cube" and it was a wonderful unexpected day as a family!

Keith's Romania Trip

Keith traveled to Romania for a 10 day trip with Training Leaders International.  He was a part of a team that taught a biblical interpretation course for Romanian pastors through a translator.   It was a rich and rewarding time as the material was well received by the Romanian pastors.  There is so much more that can be said, but Keith is not the blogger in the family.  Keith was deeply impacted by the Romanian pastors and people he met there as well as truly convinced of TLI's methods for reaching the unsaved and teaching pastors around the world.  

July 2012 - CANADA Adventures

Our family of 5 made the yearly pilgrimage back to the beautiful mountains of British Columbia to see both sides of our families and re-set our travel medical insurance.  We've managed to take this 3 times now and each year we are amazed at the beauty of the mountains, clarity of the air and vastness of the BC lakes.  The kids were delighted to see their Hanson cousins- this year with an additional 4 sweet kids due to Trevor's new marriage to Shona:) There were many busy moments, but Grandma Diane loved having her house full of action while she prepared yummy meals.  Additionally, our kids also had to endure all the medical visits as we were home in Canada- so between the dentist, eye doctor, doctor and public health nurse - we were busy!  I loved catching up with a few dear friends as well- it is so hard to fit in a life time of family and friends who are like family in a few days :( 
After we had time with the Hanson family at the farm we moved over to my parent's house in town to see them and my sister's family who travelled from Kelowna!  More fun cousin times with only 6 kids - but lots of action and yummy food.  Papa and Gramma Ruth always make sure that there is a banana split night, campfire & s'mores night and lots of home-baked treats.  Papa took Luke 4-wheeling up to the top of Mt. Thompson where there was still snow while Gramma Ruth opened up her treasure chest of memories with the girls.  The highlight for my mom was watching the girls try on wedding dresses from 3 generations- it was pretty neat to see the vintage dresses on the girls and then scary all at once because that "day" will be here all too soon! 
We then decided to drive to Kelowna for a couple days to see more family and a dear seminary friend's church.  It was awesome to swim in the lake and see beautiful Kelowna, BC.   We certainly packed in all the fun we could. 
It was bittersweet to cross the border into the states for Keith's final semester of his MDIV studies.  We love BC and all our family there and yet we love Louisville too and all our "family" there!  It is going to be interesting to see where the Lord leads us after December 2012 :) 

playing on the slip n' slide a grandma's house

Luke and Kaden

the best view in Creston

the cousins made shirts and dodged mosquitoes 

my pretty girls

fun at the park

Grandpa Morris and Grandma Diane

having a water fight with daddy

Kootenay River still high in July and close to flood stage

Town of Creston 

Gramma's idea of fun- memories

trying on wedding gowns from 3 past generations

4 wheeling with Papa

the McBlain family

Handy cousins

Tea party with Gramma Ruth 

Late night cards 

Picnic in Grand Forks

The Keiths our for a tiki tour

Uncle Don , Taya and Asia

The Foys and Boltons in Kelowna

the home farm 

morning elk

Trev, Shona, Jeff, Jacqueline.