Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On the Home Stretch to Graduation!

As our family begins this new semester (Keith's last sememster before graduation) there are so many things up in the air for us!  It is truly a time to grow in faith and trust the Lord with everything.  Keith has a heavy course load this term so we are trying to batten down the hatches so to speak, and get things done one day at a time.  Please pray for Keith as he leads our family, serves as an elder, leads our community group, studies hard, and (most importantly) as he seeks to glorify God in all he does!  Thank you for praying for us!

So far this Kentucky winter has been the non-winter.  In January there were 9 tornados that touched down in the area along with some stong winds.  Now that February is here my rose bushes are beginning to bud not to mention our grass that never died and it now growing again!  Today it looks as though the clouds sneezed with a light dusting of snow, but nothing major.  I am paranoid about losing my roses so they are all under cover just in case.  I'll take this kind of winter any year, but we could be in for a wild spring:)

Ellie and Luke are in the midst of basketball seasons and Megan has her Classical ART class to keep them all busy.  Ellie won a tournament All Star award this past weekend- well done.  I am making another quilt in my spare time (HA!) and keeping the house from spinning out of control.  I have been thankful for the nice weather so that I can get out and exercise often.  The most amazing thing of late is that Keith has started RUNNING!!  Yes- running.  He detests running and I have never been able to get him to like it,  BUT he has a persuasive and persistent friend who has him running 4-6 miles twice a week.  You read that right!!! CRAZY!  Now I know that pigs can fly!

The month of February is going to be a full one, but we are truly excited to see the Lord work as He answers prayers and leads us!  ONE DAY AT A TIME!  Here are a few pictures from Christmas and this "winter."

love to you all :)

Merry Christmas kids! 
Uncle Pete and the man with the pipe! 

celebrating with Pete and Katie

May the Norse be with you!

cozy Meg

sharing Christmas with the grands via Skype!
Winter Dance
our gorgeous girl :)
Her handsome date! 

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