Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 in Review :)

So as it turns out- I am a lousy blogger once my plate gets too full!  I have been a stalwart over the years as I've sent out a yearly Christmas letter and family photo- this is the first year in a decade or more that there will be no letter to go with the family photos!  I'm tired- and over the holidays I've decided to nap more- there you go- I'm human and old!

This blog entry is my "better late than never" attempt to catch y'alls up on our news and send out a letter of sorts.

2011 has been full of opportunities to grow in faith, knowledge of God's word and service to the body of Christ.  Louisville has become our home in many ways and I cannot imagine how hard it will be to leave once Keith completes his schooling.   We love our little Louisville house and the neighbours we have come to know.  Our church has taught us more than seminary in many ways.  The kids' school has been fantastic for causing the kids to learn how to study hard and apply themselves to the rigors of classical education.  We have a lovely Gospel Community group that is becoming more and more like a family to us.  The Lord has provided abundantly and we praise Him for His faithfulness to us.

Keith ALWAYS loves his classes and continues to excel.  Although there have been many opportunities to remain humble- he has been asked on a few occasions if he is the prof:)   He will have enough credits to graduate in 2012- we are still not sure whether that will be in May or December.  He plans to apply to extend his schooling -Lord willing- for another year so that he can complete a ThM- which is like a second masters, but with more writing and PhD level classes.  He wants to take more Greek and Hebrew exegesis classes- yes- he really does!  Keith is also one of the pastors at our church and he thanks the Lord often for the men he serves with- he has learned so much from the guys!  He had the privilege of performing his first baptism and wedding this fall as well.

Ellie just turned 14 yrs. and would love to grow taller than her mom- we don't think it will happen- unless I shrink:)  She loves volleyball as much as her mom- which has been so fun.  I helped coach her school team for the fall season and now she is playing basketball.  Kentucky is ALL about basketball!  We get a lovely music concert every morning from Ellie or one of the kids as they all still play the piano.  I have them with the same teacher this year and she has pushed each of them - in a kind way- to love their music and play to the best of their ability! Ellie would read for 10 hours a day if we let her and has plowed through MANY books this year.  We bought her a kindle for her birthday and that has opened the door for many free classical downloads- therefore more reading!

Megan will turn 12 in February- she keeps her siblings on track and in line!  Meg has really matured this year and has become independent with most of her schooling- YAY!  I love her sensitive spirit and witty sense of humor.  She played volleyball on the middle school team and loved playing- a girl who knows a good sport:)  Meg also has the reading bug and will get caught up in a book for WAY TOO LONG!!!!  I don't know how I would manage this house without the girls' help!

Luke- the young man of the house has GROWN out of a pair of shoes every 3months this year.  He is now into size 8 men's shoes.  He has a crooked toe- that I feel awful about- because his feet grew so fast and I did not get him new shoes in time.  I bought the 9 year old child size 12 pants and Keith informed me that they were too short- I had not washed them yet either!  Good grief!  I had a young man recently inform me that the eating trend and growth trend will get worse before it improves!  Luke loves playing basketball and hockey- I am thankful he can burn off some steam and energy :)  Luke has been incredibly blessed with some wonderful guy friends and a young newly married fellow who took Luke gigging (frogging in the dark) this summer.  All the men ate deep fried frog legs... thanks to the mighty frog hunters :)

As for me I've loved teaching Sunday School for 5 year olds, assisting Keith with organizing our new Gospel Community Group, coaching volleyball, keeping up with the laundry, being a part time taxi driver, homeschooling, Seminary Wives classes, Women's ministry, and staying sane!  I've kept up with some sewing projects while Keith studies in the evenings and I've been able to return to regular running!!  I do miss working as a Pediatric PT and with Keith extending his schooling for another year it will be tough to retain my license.  I am amazed at how the Lord has changed my heart toward working especially as I see how the Lord still uses my "work brain" in ministry opportunities.

Both Keith and I turned 40 this year!  Oh my:)  Keith celebrated in March with an "Older than Dirt" party and then he took me to Mexico in December for a WHOLE week!  This was the first time we left the kids in 14 years- why on earth did we wait this long???  It was awesome!  My parents came and looked after the troops - they were pretty tired after a week of homeschooling, piano and basketball games, BUT I think they would do it again:)

With 2012 coming fast we are ready for more learning and growing!  We praise the Lord for saving us every day and giving us the grace to see our sins and then rely on Christ more.

1 comment:

Three Flags Family Blogger said...

Thank you for sharing!! Love your family :) Looking forward to more times together this year,