Friday, June 24, 2011

tornados and weather

With the active tornado season in the USA this year we have had a few warnings and tornados in the Louisville area.  2 nights ago there was 3 tornados in Louisville and the warning sirens were going for a couple hours.   These storms are quite the experience.... the skies quickly become dark like night and the gusty winds pick up.  There's loud thunder and massive downpours.   Our streets instantly turn into rivers of water and my poor garden gets blitzed.  

We all have different reactions to these warnings and sirens:
- Keith:  "I need to go out and see if I can see this tornado"
- Luke: "Mom did you check the weather channel?"
- Megan: "Dad- you should get in the house and to the basement"
- Ellie: "What storm?  I am reading a book and am just fine in the basement."
- Mom: "How many weather channels can I watch on the computer at the same time?  And yes- we are safer in the basement!!!"

So we hang out in the basement and read books to pass the time.  So far there has not been huge damage in our area like other unfortunate cities, but it is a new experience altogether!    We are thankful for our own basement....our friends from the seminary who live in student housing have to go to the "basement boiler room" with all the other peeps on campus for a midnight gathering!

I guess one gets used to this....

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