Friday, June 24, 2011

tornados and weather

With the active tornado season in the USA this year we have had a few warnings and tornados in the Louisville area.  2 nights ago there was 3 tornados in Louisville and the warning sirens were going for a couple hours.   These storms are quite the experience.... the skies quickly become dark like night and the gusty winds pick up.  There's loud thunder and massive downpours.   Our streets instantly turn into rivers of water and my poor garden gets blitzed.  

We all have different reactions to these warnings and sirens:
- Keith:  "I need to go out and see if I can see this tornado"
- Luke: "Mom did you check the weather channel?"
- Megan: "Dad- you should get in the house and to the basement"
- Ellie: "What storm?  I am reading a book and am just fine in the basement."
- Mom: "How many weather channels can I watch on the computer at the same time?  And yes- we are safer in the basement!!!"

So we hang out in the basement and read books to pass the time.  So far there has not been huge damage in our area like other unfortunate cities, but it is a new experience altogether!    We are thankful for our own basement....our friends from the seminary who live in student housing have to go to the "basement boiler room" with all the other peeps on campus for a midnight gathering!

I guess one gets used to this....

Florida 2011

The Hanson family "needed" to see the beach again so we made the 10 hour trek to SeaGrove, Florida for a week of relaxing and spending time as a family.  We enjoyed the warm water, hearing the waves and walking in sand!  Sure made us miss NZ- heaps :)  We also enjoyed 2 days with "royalty" as we hung out with the KING family- what a joy to be with friends on a holiday.

tubing with Alexis and Rachel

The old guy still has what it takes! 

Ellie got up no problem! 

yes- we really brought these 3 with us:) 

I love this guy! 

The King family with us on the Blackwater river 

sand crab :) 

As we drove south to Florida we went through Tennessee and Alabama - it was a whole new experience to see the south.  Keith stopped at a road side place in Alabama for fresh watermelon, cantaloupes and BOILED peanuts... well we could hardly understand these guys with their southern accent.  Then there was Luverne, Alabama- I'm still trying to find a category in my brain that would begin to describe that town.

The Florida gulf coast beaches were white as I've ever seen- like flour almost.  The sand squeaked under your feet while you walked.    We managed to stay in a quiet area with quiet beaches, but there was a fresh bloom of algae so our swim suits were FULL of green guck after every swim.   We still swam lots!

So all said and done- we are home with a tan and some good memories.  Keith had lots of reading and 2 papers to do while we were away- so reality kept up with us :)  But one cannot complain if you get to go to the beach.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Luke is 9 :)

The young man of the house turned 9 on May 19th!  It was the last day of school and I think that could have been his present alone!  We celebrated with some Kentucky friends and played...  hockey!

summer has come!

With summer finally here the kids are digesting as many books as they can in one day and I am attempting to make most days productive- well a little productive if I can.

The kids finished their second year at Dorothy Sayers and we have them signed up for another year- we are thrilled with their progress and learning at this school.  All kids did very well in their classes and we are so proud of their efforts.  If I said much more then I'd be bragging- but we are really pleased with all they've learned.  I am most thankful for the work ethic and ability to be diligent that DSCS equips the kids with.  There have been many days when I feel more sanctified by the whole process, but with 3 months off- we'll be ready for another fall in September.

Grandma was wondering how tall Ellie would be! 

Luke needed a camel ride :) 

So did the girls!  

Keith's parents came for a week long visit after the kids were done school and Ketih was done his semester.  Is was great to see the kids hugs Grandma and Grandpa.  Their luggage was lost with an icky plane delay, but after that was done with- we could enjoy having them here.  Dad and Keith finished tiling the basement- the men always like a project.  This spring our basement flooded and we ripped out all the carpet- Keith and Dad tiled the basement instead of replacing the carept- looks great.

We went to the Creation Museum in Cincinatti, Louisville Sluggers baseball game, enjoyed introducing mom and dad to Louisville friends and having Grandma cook a yummy Grandma meal!  Time of course went way too fast and before we could blink we were driving them back to the airport to say good bye!  Having family come to visit is a treat!

This past spring has been a tough go for myself.  Somewhere along the way I have been experiencing odd joint swelling symptoms and other blood related problems.  At one point we were not sure if I was to fly home for further medical investigations.  I am so thankful for our level headed Canadian Dr. and my husband.  I am still on the mend a month later and hopefully all this will resolve in time.  Getting old does not help either.  Our care group and some other friends helped cook meals for us and looked after the kids- I am so thankful for their willing service to us!!!!

Our summer will be a busy one with Keith taking 2-3 classes, Keith flying out to go fishing with his dad and 3 brothers, family trip to Florida to sit on the beach, a 2 week trip to Canada (cousin time!!) and some panting projects around the house.  So far my garden is coming along this year and Luke now has an Airsoft gun to shoot at and scare the squirrels who dig up my plants!  It has been HOT- plus 33 celcius everyday for the past 2 weeks.  I am thankful for A/C and fans!