Monday, September 27, 2010

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Wow- times flies when you stuff lots into your days! We are having a HOT and DRY end of summer here. Our poor grass is brown and in need of a good rain. Most of the trees in the area are losing their leaves- not because fall is here.... it has been a drought!

We also have an addition to our family since last post! Latesha has joined our busy family and is adjusting to life with the Hanson family! She is 19 years old and working in a preschool right now. She was at bible school last year and is now auditing some courses at SBTS to keep on growing and learning. She is one sweet girl and we are all growing to love her more all the time. She has been a big help around the house and is learning how to cook .... easy meals from me and tasty complex meals from Keith!!! (this picture is of the kids playing marshmellow guns in the yard!)

Megan's team is all done Volleyball and Ellie's team has just started games. I am trying to keep up without getting too sore, but I love watching the girls learn to play! I am a proud mom to say the least!

I have been keeping up with my SWI class and some other commitments. Somehow there is not enough hours in the day for rest or even better... a nap! And those kids of ours are GROWING! Ellie is past 5'7" now and rapidly chasing me for height! Megan just grew out of shoes I bought for her 3 months ago! Luke has almost outgrown his size 10 pants! I'm not even going to describe all the food they eat!

Our care group took a trip to Huber's orchard for apples and pumpkins- fun times! We are learning to love all the times we have with our church family because most of us are seminary folk who will be moving on all too soon! We sure have great fellowship and establish deep bonds!

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