Friday, May 28, 2010

The kids are DONE school- YaHOO!

I can fairly say that we are thrilled to be done our first year at Dorothy Sayers Classical school. All 3 of the kids have worked incredibly hard while learning Latin, Grammar, Spelling, Saxon Math, Logic, science, history and geography! Our kids all earned their grades and we are indeed proud parents! I am also incredibly thankful for the emphasis on giving GOD the glory for any "gifts" or good grades! We plan to return to DSCS in the fall for another round of hard work and we'll be maintaining as much as we can over the summer!

So for now the kids are still working on the piano daily and reading as much as I'll let them- with the library so close they can go often and get more!!!! We've been to the Zoo and splash park. I think we'll visit the Science center again soon and of course the Seminary pool. Ellie also has basketball practice/ summer camp and miss Meg has plans for her paints! Luke will of course build all the Lego he can while keeping himself from pestering his sisters!

I guess it will be time very soon to be packing up for the trek back to Canada- the kids are super keen to see some cousins and grandparents. I'm not keen on airplanes- oh well!

On another note- I am reading a fabulous book by C.J. Mahaney called HUMILITY- True Greatness! Pick it up if you can- it is not a long read, but worth the time to read it!!!

1 comment:

Amy Olson said...

wow! Wish we had a school near us that was "classical"- the subjects and focus on God sound incredible! Enjoy your summer! We have three more weeks of school here, but I'm looking forward to my HUSBAND having some down time! And thanks for the book suggestion- I think I'll see if I can get it from the library.