Saturday, February 27, 2010

Megan is a 10-ager!!

She's 10 years old and pretty excited to be into the double digits. Megan celebrated with pancakes and sausages from Daddy before he off to class. We also had good friends over last night for cake, ice cream and games- that was really fun for Meg. The kids have a short school break right now and are taking a bit of time off over the next few days. With Keith's classes and my class, we could not get away for a little out-of -town time.

Somehow the snow still thinks it likes Kentucky- I think it is lost and needs to go back to Canada! Hopefully we'll be into spring soon.

We have a borrowed TV in the house right now and have been able to watch a few Olympic events- Go Canada! It is fun to cheer for Canada from Kentucky especially with the Hockey... the gold medal game is on Sunday and our care group will be watching... both sides will have some vocal supporters!

Ellie played basketball on the Dorothy Sayers JV team and they made it to the State Tournament! They won their first game, but were out after the semi-finals. I have thoroughly appreciated her coaches and the other girls on her team- what a gift!

February is almost over and time is going by all too fast!

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