Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Semester #1 is DONE!

Time always goes too fast when you are having fun! Keith wrapped up his first semester at SBTS Dec 4th after a long list of exams written and papers due. Keith loved all his classes and I think he still cannot believe that he gets to do all this studying and learning. Of course Keith came down with a nasty cold a few days after he was done!

The kids had their Christmas choir concert last Friday and I had the joy of helping in the back stage area. All these little shepherds and angels would say to me, "Hey you are Luke's mom!" I have many little people and their families to get to know while we are here! The singing and music was incredible. Ellie's middle school grades even sang one song in Latin. At the end of the performance ALL the kids sang the Hallelujah chorus- WOW!

Dorothy Sayers Classical School has proved to be a huge challenge for the kids, but I am so pleased with their progress, love for learning and ability to diligently apply themselves to some hard subjects. We received their reports cards this week and the grades they earned represent EFFORT! Ellie can translate some Latin sentences, Megan can tell you the seven bordering states to Kentucky and Luke knows 25 greek and latin word roots! Now their mother is just trying to keep up at this point- my job is to keep the train moving with clean laundry, tidy house and good food! We are looking forward to 2 weeks off and some needed down time.

I guess after all the whirl wind of getting here we are now realizing how much has happened in such a short period of time. There are some days when I stop long enough to think about home and what that really means on this big earth. When we left for NZ we defined home as when we were all together- that has even more substance after the past few months here. We are settling into our new church here and loving the IBC family. God certainly provides a family for us where ever we go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HUGE HUGS from the Grimm Family! We know how missing home, family and friends can feel. My advice, have a good cry when you need to, and hug and laugh lots. God has brought you to where you need to be, rejoice in His Love and care for each of you!! Glad to hear you are making friends and have a good church family. Congratulations on a semester well done. Merry Christmas!
Love The Grimms!