Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas Y'ALL!

With the main Christmas event behind us and the New Year approaching we are incredibly thankful for the Christmas season here in Louisville and the family that God has placed around us. Being away from family is crummy to say the least! Thank goodness for Skype and emails!

We've managed to spend lots of time with friends and enjoy good times all around. The day before Christmas all Luke could do was stare at the tree and proclaim that he was BORED! Bored because all he could do was stare at his prezzies! I think I fixed that with a few chores, but the excitement was pretty real for him!

We had a kind and grateful lady staying with us for a few days while her brother was in ICU and recovering from multiple surgeries- so the house was full and busy. For Christmas dinner we also had a seminary family from Louisiana over- they have 3 kids and everyone had a blast! This is the first Christmas dinner I've ever hosted and it was great! All of my china plates -that we received as wedding gifts- were brought out and used after over 6 years in storage! FUN!

Luke of course loved his new Lego set and first Nerf gun. Megan opened more art supplies and drawing pencils. Ellie received her first cross stitch pattern. All are busy with their new projects and prezzies- cool! Keith's mom always comes up with the best gifts and this year it was DAVEY CRACKIT the nut cracking squirrel.

We have another week of no school here and we are enjoying the break. I'm on my second puzzle, Ellie has made several scarves, Megan has been knitting dish clothes and Luke continues to discover new Lego designs to create! Keith is still at the books! He has a J-term class next week with plenty of reading and assignments to complete. I'm just thankful we get to see him lots even if his nose is in a book!

It snowed here last night and the skiff of snow is still on the ground outside- brrr... I'm still thinking that we will not be using our Sorel boots and heavy winter jackets too often! But if we get a big dump of snow- we'll be the most prepared!

Thank you for all the Christmas wishes and love! I'm still procrastinating on the seasonal letter and card... maybe a New Years' note will make the mail soon!

Love to all!

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