Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanksgiving and Celebrations....

Keep on, keeping on... that's the motto around here right now! Now that we are more settled I have time to realize how far away from home we really are- Yikes! It is Canadian Thanksgiving today- and yes we are incredibly thankful! This week I managed to get another year closer to 40- groan! ! And Keith and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary- where did that time go?

I had to laugh on our anniversary- Keith was studying for mid-terms and on my b-day he wrote them! Not unlike our honeymoon where he was in the midst of mid-terms then too! Poor guy- in the middle of one of his tests his computer froze and he had to re-write his exam on our other computer- with very little time to spare! The kids prayed and so did I! Hopefully all will be fine....

I LOVED catching up with a few friends on my birthday- it has been way too long since I've chatted with home! Thank goodness for Skype and chats with family! Poor Creston got a first snow on the 9th- YUCK! I can't say I'm missing that- sorry. It is quite chilly here and I did see snow pants for sale, but no wintry weather yet.

We took the kids down to the waterfront park on Saturday and enjoyed the sights there. Louisville is on the Ohio river and has a few bridges that go to Indiana. Megan is studying Kentucky geography and history so we are certainly learning our share these days. I tagged along with her class when they took a trip to Fort Harrod and saw the sights. That same day Luke's class needed a fill in teacher so Keith was the Grade 2 dad in charge of 11 boys for math and school! The boys in class were impressed with Keith's motorcycle the most.

We've had a little pumpkin pie around here, but have dodged the extra pounds from turkey and stuffing.... until the USA thanksgiving comes around. This week I'm starting a new class for Seminary Wives and I had better get cracking on my paper!!!

Miss you all! Happy Thanksgiving!!

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