Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Photos...

Here are some fall pics of the kids and our place. Megan is also displaying her Kentucky Map project- it took hours to complete and she should be proud of it! The leaves here are glorious and wonderful. We have 5 large oak trees in our yard- I got Keith a leaf blower and the kids a rake! They love to jump in the leaves!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The paperwork RANT!

So if you choose to read this blog entry be committed to reading the whole thing- then and only then can you share my "pain" and increased patience. You will either cry or laugh- maybe both!

Today was a big event here in LV. Keith was able to FINALLY get license plates for his motorcycle- trust me this is big news! I'll start from the beginning and then you can appreciate the plates as much as we do!

Step 1. Get F1 visas for Keith to be a student in the USA. F2 visas for myself and the kids. Keith can only work on campus while we are here. These are precious visas- do not lose them! And have them signed before we come back to Canada- or else!

Step 2. Get across the border with passports, visas applications, letters from the school, a COMPLETE packing list of all items in the truck and trailer... but... FAIL to import Keith's motorcycle (that he bought in the USA and had imported to Canada in 2008) into the USA- really we did not think about that one- and the border guys did not say anything either.

Step 3. Get to Louisville and try to open a bank account. Well you need an address to do that- so we get a box at the school. Bank guy asks for proof that we have an address- I tell him that he could send us a letter and then we would have mail I could show him! The nice guy uses our Canadian address and passports to get us set up... We really need the account so we can buy a house and car and have money in the USA. Well the debit cards get lost and the cheques get sent to Canada.... AAHHHHH! After 3 tries we get the debit cards and finally get cheques to our house!

Step 4. Buy the house. This was actually rather easy- but we needed an address to get insurance for a vehicle that we did not yet own. While the process was not as nasty it was still quite stressful- I think buying a house is a big deal.....

Step 5. Get utilities to the house- without a social security number! Go to DOWNTOWN Louisville, get lost after the GPS breaks with 3 kids, pray like crazy, find both places, wait in line, plead our case, show ALL our documents and manage to get water, electric and gas... THANK YOU LORD!

Step 6. Get the driver's license. Well you need a social security number to get the license... we do not have a SS yet- so we have to get DENIED- officially. Keith and I went downtown again for this- we waited for 1.5 hours in the most bizarre place with the most interesting collection of people to get the DENIAL letter- after we showed the letters from the school asking them to deny us! Then we need a "blue letter"... from the county clerk office! We go to the wrong office to get the blue letter, but find the closest office. I went the next day but did not have my husband ... so the NEXT day we all went and got the precious blue letter with a number that is not an SS number but the guys at the driver's office want it! Then we went to the drivers license place and took the eye test, written test and booked the road test. I honestly do not know how my left eye passed that test- scary! Next day Keith and I took our driving tests (motorcycle for Keith too) and passed! We still had the truck so we borrowed a friend's van! I think the guy that gave us the test got minor whiplash- I had been driving a truck for 5 weeks by then! All this cost $20- this was the first fee we encountered.... go figure.

Step 7. Buy a van and get it licensed! We were able to get insurance easily- it is remarkable how easily people will take your money! We bought the van and managed to get the wrong type of money order. Miracles of miracles- Keith was walking back to the bank to meet the fellow that we bought the van from to get him the right money order while I was out with the van (and Keith's wallet and ID) trying to get license plates done- BUT I got lost and somehow drove down the road just as Keith was walking with Megan and Luke- so I pulled into the bank as Keith was going to call me to come! It still took another 2 trips to the license office to get the ownership finally transferred to our name... by this time I am getting to know Louisville quite well!

Step 8. Find out that because we did not import the motorcycle Keith cannot get plates for the bike! The official line from the border was- "bring it back to the border crossing you came through and have it inspected and imported!" Okay- that was not a good day- 2400 miles away from the Porthill crossing- we were not game for another road trip! Keith made MANY phone calls and after chatting with a helpful customs broker we found out that Keith just needed a customs guy to inspect the bike and import it- so he drove the insured but unlicensed bike to the Louisville AIRPORT! The fellow there did not even come out to look at the bike, but he got the precious papers! Then the whole process of the license office- again! This time it was a problem not having the social security number- the lady said to Keith that he needed a W7 number ??????? And she could give him the number to call to see how to get one and they could mail him a number in the next 3 weeks! AAAHHHHH!!! I had been driving Keith to and from school for a week and it was getting old for all of us- another 3 weeks?? But then- I remembered that a knowledgeable lady had written down a different number (from the blue letter that I did not have anymore) when I got the license stuff done before for the van..... Well Keith went back again and.. IT WORKED! So today Keith is back on his bike with Kentucky plates... sigh....

So another step behind us.. but I am sure that there will be more ahead! My poor fingers are aching after that rant! Are you laughing or crying? Maybe you quit half way through and skimmed.... no prizes for you! I'm going to go and get some chocolate....

I am still SO thankful for beds for the kids and a roof over our heads. I am thankful that God has given us the grace to see His good hand in all difficult things... even to be able to laugh at what all can happen in "ordinary" life.

Stay tuned.....

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanksgiving and Celebrations....

Keep on, keeping on... that's the motto around here right now! Now that we are more settled I have time to realize how far away from home we really are- Yikes! It is Canadian Thanksgiving today- and yes we are incredibly thankful! This week I managed to get another year closer to 40- groan! ! And Keith and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary- where did that time go?

I had to laugh on our anniversary- Keith was studying for mid-terms and on my b-day he wrote them! Not unlike our honeymoon where he was in the midst of mid-terms then too! Poor guy- in the middle of one of his tests his computer froze and he had to re-write his exam on our other computer- with very little time to spare! The kids prayed and so did I! Hopefully all will be fine....

I LOVED catching up with a few friends on my birthday- it has been way too long since I've chatted with home! Thank goodness for Skype and chats with family! Poor Creston got a first snow on the 9th- YUCK! I can't say I'm missing that- sorry. It is quite chilly here and I did see snow pants for sale, but no wintry weather yet.

We took the kids down to the waterfront park on Saturday and enjoyed the sights there. Louisville is on the Ohio river and has a few bridges that go to Indiana. Megan is studying Kentucky geography and history so we are certainly learning our share these days. I tagged along with her class when they took a trip to Fort Harrod and saw the sights. That same day Luke's class needed a fill in teacher so Keith was the Grade 2 dad in charge of 11 boys for math and school! The boys in class were impressed with Keith's motorcycle the most.

We've had a little pumpkin pie around here, but have dodged the extra pounds from turkey and stuffing.... until the USA thanksgiving comes around. This week I'm starting a new class for Seminary Wives and I had better get cracking on my paper!!!

Miss you all! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa are on the road again.....

And I thought I was all done with tears! Grandma and Grandpa got on the road this morning and are starting their trek back to BC. The kids were off to school bright and early so that was an easy good-bye, but they will be sad this afternoon when they get home! It is back to rain today-mom and dad had wonderful weather while they were here- YAY!

Yesterday the kids worked extra hard and got all their school work done by 2 pm so we could go to the ZOO. Luke was the leader with his trusty map! Grandma and Grandpa got to see all sorts of creatures!

So now we are back to the books full time. Keith has 2 big mid-term exams this week and some big papers to start. I have my course paper to write as well. Megan is working on a complicated Kentucky map project that will take a few more hours to complete and on it goes! Ellie will be fitted for orthodontics next week - poor kiddo! Like I said- on it goes!

We are looking forward to my parents coming in December now.... Maybe we'll have to find a couple other Canadians and celebrate Thanksgiving this weekend...

Safe travels for mom and dad!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lexington and Horses...

We took Grandma and Grandpa to Lexington- area east of Louisville- to see horses and views! Grandpa is a huge fan of horses so the day was just great- we saw harness racing, huge horse farms and fences galore! Thank goodness for coffee to keep us going all day and fruit slushes for the kids!

We will look forward to another visit there soon.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Visit with Grandma and Grandpa...

Yay! We have company! Grandma and Grandpa flew down from Canada to get the truck and the trailer! They had a small glitch in getting here, but it was SO WORTH IT to see the kids hug grandparents! Now we have a couple days to see about the area and hope it does not pass too fast!

We took them to the Seminary- what a nice place to bring them to- Dad was impressed. The weather is amazing and lovely! We even had ice cream outside... YUM.