Thursday, March 5, 2009

Home to the SNOW.............

We are home finally and the snow was here to greet us. We arrived safely a week ago- just in time for Megan's 9th birthday! The cousins and grandparents were certainly excited and thrilled. It was neat to see Keith's parent's new house- amazing!

Since coming home we have gradually got back into the busy life here. Keith is preparing his sermons and he will be preaching for the next 2 weeks as he candidates for the Senior Pastor position at our home church. We continue to pray and seek God's plan for our lives! The kids were able to go back to school- with snow pants and snow boots- to see friends and settle into their new classrooms. All 3 are happy with their teachers. Today Megan did a NZ presentation for her class- she even helped me do an iMovie to show everyone.

I am getting ready to jump back into work! My position was not filled in my absence so now I am figuring our how much work I can do to get things back on track! Always something to work out!

My parents have graciously offered to have all 5 of us live with them for a bit. The kids love seeing their grandparents everyday and I think my folks are still liking the noisy house! It has been a nice change to be close to town- especially with all the church events and school stuff. We are hoping to find a house to rent- SOON!

Home to Canada is nice, but when I hear how nice and warm it is in Whakatane- I do wish I could be there too! I guess you can't have it all!

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