Friday, January 16, 2009

Christchurch NZ...

Greetings from Christchurch!  We have been here for a week now and are house-sitting for a neat family with 5 kids!  We feel like tourists as we enjoy the sights and learn more about this area of NZ.  

The our "home" for now is wonderful!  The kids do not want to leave!  There are toys, books to read, a trampoline, guinea pigs to cuddle and an apricot tree to climb!  Luke would love to play the Wii lots too- but that's not a daily option!  The church here is great and Keith has enjoyed some new contacts!

Christchurch is a big city by NZ standards, but it is well laid out and easy to get around.  Practically speaking that means less gasping on my part as we go around the round-abouts!  I'm amazed at how brown the landscape is here- right by the ocean. 

 The buildings downtown are neat- especially the Cathedral.  We climbed the 104 steps to the lookout and could see most of Christchurch from there.  The kids were amazed with all the stained glass and how each picture told a story from the bible.

We also visited the Botanic Gardens and smelled all the roses we could.  There is a tram that goes around the downtown core- we rode that a few times.  Megan sat in a seat that Queen Elizabeth II sat in 1995.  She liked that quite a bit!

We are onto the last month of our trip!  Hard to believe that time goes this fast!  I'm not sure my laptop will take anymore photos either!  

Thank you for all your notes and Christmas greetings!  Our email is - stay in touch! 

Love to all at home and to our new "family" in NZ!

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