Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008!

Hello all!  I feel like I should put a disclaimer at the beginning of this note:  "Beware there are people in these photos who are not wearing snow suits!"  I chatted with my parents the other day and they wanted to know exactly how warm it is here!  Poor old frosty Canada is getting a blast of BRRR!  So I apologize if we look too warm and sunny- really!  

We are on the countdown until the kids can open their prezzies!  Luke asks everyday- just in case we have changed our minds!  It is a challenge to shop for gifts- I can't stand packing up more stuff- the idea is to travel with LESS!  

We are also counting down the days until we leave Ohope and head for the South Island!  It has been nice to have a "home."  This Christmas we will be with Mr. G's family at the "mount."  Will be fun!  I do not plan to be too homesick, but I have already had a few moments!  Family is precious.

Have a wonderful Christmas and make a snowman for us!  We'll take a walk in the ocean for you!  I know- not a fair swap!  

1 comment:

AEF said...

Keith, Teresa, and children,

It's great to see all the wonderful photos, and to read that you are enjoying yourselves. We wish you every good thing at Christmas and in the coming year.

Albert & Geraldine, Peter, Gideon.

P.S. Send us an email if you get a chance - I don't have a current one for you.