Sunday, August 17, 2008

We are on the move.....

We finally got ALL our earthly possessions loaded and STUFFED into s 20' container- minus the piano and my antique wardrobe. We moved everything on the hottest day of the year- 38 degrees. The kids were as good as they could be- by 4 pm we jumped into the river- fully clothed- to cool off! Ellie was the biggest help as she assisted me with all the lifting.

Then after we got the house and shop clean it was time to say goodbye. That was a hard one. We worked hard on that farm and went through a lot as a family. After a few tears it was time to go. The kids were not sad about leaving- they were just happy to go on a trip!

We stayed at my parents for a couple nights as we went packed up. We got all our bags for NZ into their house and realized that we had WAY TOO MUCH STUFF! So we down sized- lots.

Now we are at the coast getting ready to leave on Wednesday! YIKES. The kids are so tired. I heard Luke ask the girls if they wanted to play his new game- he called it- GO ENTERTAIN YOURSELVES ! I guess he has heard that line a few times in the past few days!

I hope that we will get some beach time and family time in Vancouver before we go!

Love to you all!


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