Monday, October 18, 2010

Visit from Lukas and Natalie

How wonderful to have family come and visit! My cousin Lukas and his new bride Natalie are on an adventure driving across the USA and they stopped at our place for TWO NIGHTS! The kids were excited! I was excited! What a treat to have them here... in our house... hanging out... talking face to face! My baby cousin Lukas is 6'5" so my Luke looks up to him and think the WORLD of him! I certainly loved getting to know Natalie and the kids loved their new "Aunty" Natalie! We were not able to make their wedding last June so seeing them was awesome!

We wore them out as we toured Louisville... We ate KFC at the Colonel's grave, walked through Church Hill Downs, toured Old Louisville and checked out the seminary area. We also made yummy LEFSE with some friends and kept the Norwegian roots alive!

So now the big question.... Who's coming NEXT????? That was not long enough of a visit, but we'll take what ever we can get!

Monday, October 11, 2010

16 years and counting....

This week Keith and I celebrated our 16th anniversary! Once again I pulled out my foofy 90's wedding frock and tried it on. This year the girls all dressed up too with some fancy dresses while we had a tea party and watched "My Fair Lady." The men of the house coped by cooking (Keith) and eating (Luke) :) As you can tell from the picture Luke did his best to be a pest!

To celebrate Keith and I took the whole troop plus 2 more (Matt & Abbie) to Indianapolis to see a Symphony concert with the famous violinist Midori. What great memories we had from the event!

Then in the midst of all the busy I had to turn another year older... sigh! Next year will be the big 40... oh well... at least Keith gets to go first! Keith took me to the Louisville riverfront with take out sushi and no kids to celebrate.