Saturday, July 24, 2010

Keith's England-Scotland trip

Yippee! We have a Daddy home safe and well travelled! The kids were so happy to see their daddy and I was equally thrilled to see Keith and hug him!

Keith travelled with 28 people to see London, Cambridge, Stonehenge, Dover, Hampton, Cantebury, Endinburgh-Scotland, Oxford and Windsor. The focus of the trip was to understand the significance of the British empire's influence on the development of church history. Keith was most impressed with the British Natural History Museum and the ancient artifacts that give credibility to biblical accounts.

He is now good and tired with a major dose of jet lag! Actually we are all a little out of sorts and hope to re-adjust quickly! It was awesome to see our little house and our own beds- now if we could just sleep normal hours in those comfy beds :)

A month absence was a long time and we feel a little like we're starting all over again, but seeing friends and our church family will help us settle in Louisville again.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A miracle to share...

I thought I'd post a couple pics of the boys that Steve and Sherry adopted from Zambia this past year. Many of you have prayed for their arrival and adjustments to life in Canada. It was wonderful to see these 2 BUSY boys in Sherry's family- and have them finish off my muffin while we visited- well we tried to visit :) Praise God for miracles!

Time Flies when you are BUSY!

Well... here I sit in a Spokane hotel waiting to go to the airport to pick up Keith. I am hoping the 3 kids will fall asleep soon so that they get a bit of sleep before their daddy returns! Keith has been away for 20 days now and we are all good and ready to see the guy again! I'll post a few more of my favourite pics from the past month in Canada. After I get Keith's camera downloaded I'll share some more goodies with y'all- I did give him strict and detailed instructions on picture taking!

I have truly enjoyed all our time with cousins and family. I am thankful we could spend a whole month in Canada- even though Keith was not with us :( Time has indeed flown by....

So thanks again for reading little blog- it helps our friends & family feel not so far away!
Love to you all

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kelowna visit 2010

My mom and I packed up my 3 kiddos and we drove over 5 mountain passes to see my sister in Kelowna BC for 5 days. All 3 kids were in summer camps for the week- Ellie- basketball, Megan- ART and Luke - sports. We saw 2 forest fires extinguished while water bombers and helpicopters flew over the fires- amazing sights from Kare's backyard. I love the beaches in Kelowna- what a gorgeous place to live! Once again bedtime was a welcome event with 6 charming, lovable and busy kids ASLEEP!

Creston family and fun- 2010

I think we've fit in as much as we can here at "home." The kids have had an amazing time with cousins and grandparents. Baseball games, making a fort in the woods, canoeing at the Wildlife centre, hanging out at the beach, playing hockey in the shop, riding the harvester and playing down at the farm. We've mananged to keep all 13 kids fed and busy! Bedtime is a wonderful time of day :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day to Y'alls!

Keith loved riding his brother's motor bike while we were at the farm. That bike was awfully loud, but men seem to appreciate that about a bike! It did run out of gas 1 mile from the farm and Keith had to push it the whole way- always a story to tell around here :)

Just a quick pic of the kids on Canada Day! We're celebrating with family while Keith is away in England!

Love you all