Monday, January 25, 2010

Semester #2 begins!

Yup- we're still at it here! Keith is off to the seminary as I type to hand in his J-term papers for Baptist Beliefs. It was a week long course with a heap of reading and 3 good sized papers. Once again he loved the course and the work that went with it. I am glad he will have a bit of time to do some little jobs around the house... I have a list!

The kids have settled back into the school routine and Ellie has been able to play in a couple of basketball games! She improves every time she gets on the court- last game she scored a point, but it was not her that made the shot- it was the other team and Ellie was the closest to the girl who shot on her own basket! I think we all have a story of making a shot on the wrong basket when we were first playing! She was pretty excited to just play!

The braces are becoming routine! She sure looks looks a teen to me these days! She is growing every time I look at her- she now has only 1 pair of pants that fit her!! Time to go shopping I guess- tricky part is that she'll grow out of something else in a month or so.... (She's 5'6'' - btw)

All 3 kids start piano lessons this week- thank goodness! They all have a different teacher, but all have a lesson at the same time- at the same place! I am so blessed on this one! Luke will even have a man- he is pretty pumped about that!

The weather has warmed up here- the house is not as freezing cold as before. We still have a while to go before spring, but I am thankful for a mild winter so far! I find it so odd to see so many robins all over the place- does not feel like January when you see a robin! Sounds like home has had a really warm winter too- go figure.

My parents flew to NZ yesterday and will be gone for 2 months! I know they will love the beaches and people as much as we did! I would LOVE to walk the Ohope beach with my mom- sigh!!!

Keith starts his next semester this week - only 9 credits as he is taking advanced greek grammar- EEEKK! He loves a challenge!

We've booked our place tickets to come home in June 2010. I'll be home with the kids for a month while Keith will be home for a week. He is taking another course in July that will take him to England/ Scotland for a church history course and 9 credits of work! That' s the way it goes around here- learn. learn, learn!!

Love y'all!

Monday, January 11, 2010

BRACES for Ellie!

Today was the big day- BRACES! Ellie is such a good sport about it and I am so proud of her attitude! She looks like an official pre-teen now! She has had some appliance in her mouth for 3 plus years now- but these braces sure are the real deal! We have a caring and kind Orthodontist here- just a 5 minute walk from our house! So the fun and extended brushing sessions BEGIN!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

L'ville snow!

the Canadian kids are in the snow and loving the fun. They have to be more creative than usual- so far they've played lacrosse with snowballs, soccer in the snow, cleared all the walkways and now I've noticed that they are ready to part with their jackets! And people said we were over prepared for the snow???? Now I wish I had brought the toboggan and sleds.

This should all be gone soon- I wish the cold would go away just as fast!