Sunday, November 29, 2009

Louisville Fall Pics

Just another catch-up on some lovely fall pics from Louisville. The leaves were amazing and are now all gone! Everyone is putting up their Christmas decor so there's still lots to enjoy looking at, BUT sure is hard to beat those mountains with SNOW!
Lots to be thankful for here. We had a fun Thanksgiving day with fellow Canadians from our church- we played Crokinole and sang the Canadian anthem (english and en francais!) So good to laugh until tears come! We are losing some dear friends in the next few weeks as they graduate and move on.... but what great memories!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Studying, Papers and Finals! and Thanksgiving.

Just a quick note this time. Keith is on the home stretch with 3 papers done and 1 to go. 1 final done and 2 to go. He's almost done all his reading- 1.5 books to go. Lots of work being done around here. The kids all had many tests and quizzes over the past few weeks. They have a couple days off for Thanksgiving and Keith is grateful for the time to get work done. It is hard to believe that we are almost through the first term here- we have not even been here for 3 months yet.

Thanksgiving here is certainly a big deal along with Black Friday where all the dedicated shoppers look for deals. I'm not sure we're up for it- we'll see!

Missing home and friends!