Monday, September 29, 2008

Tairua on the Coromandel Pennisula

These pictures are of the sunrise view at the place we are staying, the kids in their hats, and the kids flying a kite!  Still having a grand time- home schooling, hiking and walking beaches as much as we can!

As for all these Kiwi towns ....if you are having a hard time pronouncing all these places- do not feel alone!  As we drive we see so many signs for different places and as best we can we try to pronounce them.  Most times we are wrong- not even close- so either we make up our own version and hope for the best OR we resort to the locals telling us the proper Kiwi way- that we cannot remember either.

We are not a lost cause- yet- and we do seem to find our way without getting too lost. Once I suggested to Keith maybe I should turn the map upside down since we are "down under"- he was not impressed!  But as I can recall that made sense to me at the time!  So for now I am not asked for my opinion for directions, but I do get to hold the map.  Lucky me!

We are enjoying our time at the "bach" as this is the first time we have stayed in one place for more than a week!  The kids have discovered the forest and have made a fort near the house.  We have visited a few local towns and have discovered more yummy take away places with fish 'n chips.  We made it to Cathedral Cove- SO BEAUTIFUL- we will return there again when the tide is out.  While we were hiking there we saw parrots and some neat birds.  

Thanks for reading and your comments.  We miss home, but are having the family time that we need.  Blessings to you all!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

One Month Over Already- WOW!

Hello all!  or in NZ G'day Mate!  

We are still having fun together as a family and have not gotten tired of each other!  Today was a month since we have arrived!  POOF- that was quick.  There have been a couple moments when I felt like I could relax and slow down- I hope I have a few more moments like that before 6 months passes.

Paihia and the Northland area of the north island was wonderful and amazing.  We had an amazing place to stay- the kids loved the pool- but of course they were the only ones in it (in their wetsuits)- brave Canadian kids!  What a great area to visit.

As we left Paihia we visited a Glow worm cave- did you know that it is their poop that glows????  We were told to keep our mouths closed as we looked up- Luke took this set of instructions very seriously!  As we got ready for the caves we noticed that we did not have Megan's jacket- grrrr!!!  So we went back to find it in Paihia- we were only 20 minutes away.  When we got there we asked at a few places- no jacket- but the tour office had a jacket that someone had left behind 2 months ago- so the tour lady opened the bag and there was a girl's jacket- Megan's size- WOW- she is not as fond of this jacket- but live and learn!  Thankfully the weather has improved in the past few days.....

We are currently in Mount Maunganui staying with Mr. G's family.  Today we visited Grandma G and had lemonade from the lemons in her garden.  The kids have been back to the beach to body surf and swim.  We have also acquired spades (shovels) so that the kids can dig to China at the beach.  This is a great way to burn off steam and energy!  It also allows parents to read a book and not have to go into the water!!

Tomorrow we plan to head off to Tairua on the Coromandel pennisula to stay at a "bach" (batch) for a few weeks.  We'll see about the kids attending school there and we plan to settle in for a bit.  The home-schooling has been a WONDERFUL experience so far.  Teaching the kids is really quite rewarding and challenging all in one.  The kids are adjusting to the routine and becoming more independent as we go.

Love to all at home.  The kids miss their friends and cousins.  The other day I saw a Christmas display in the store- that made me miss my mom- so I emailed her!
Cheerio for now.....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cape Reinga and 90 mile beach

Yesterday we set out early in the morning for Cape Reinga at the north tip of NZ.  It was a long drive up there- the kids coped fine.  The view out into the ocean was huge- it just went on forever!  The light house was above where the Tasman Sea and Pacific ocean meet- waters were rough and murky there.  I can't believe all the different colours of blue.

Then came the sand dunes and boogie boarding!  The kids were all  keen until they had to climb these TALL hills of HOT sand! The loved the rides down, but then there was the climb up after.....  It was a great memory!

Then.....  I agreed to driving down a river bed and onto 90 mile beach!  I was pretty nervous but the kids loved all the splashing water over the CRV.  We drove on the beach for 40 minutes at 80 km/ hr- the beach was amazing!  As far as you could see- there was beach.  The waves were huge and boy was I glad to get off at the end!  

Our Buzz wagon was filthy and sandy after all that excitement.  We all had good sleeps last night!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

NZ Wildlife.....

Dolphins and Kiwis!!!

In the past dew days we have seen more native NZ wildlife!!  We didn't plan most of it, but we have been amazed at what we have learned!

The Kiwi birds have really long noses and sniff loudly to find their food at the bases of trees.  The one we saw had only one leg- his name is Sparky- we got to pet him and touch his feathers.

The Dolphins were out and playing the day we were on the tour.   There was even a few babies in both pods of dolphins we saw.  The dolphins love to swim in front of the boats and jump along the side.   Our boat drove through the large "hole in the rock" because the waves were not too big!  NZ has some cool things to see.

The Kiwi hikes are really fun for mom because there are no bears on the whole island!  The kids like the hikes when they get to the top and if there are treats along the way!   We are all getting into good shape with all the treks we do!

Luke now wears his hat every where we go!  Looks good.  Now if we could find something for the girls......

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The new HAT!

The new hat!

Luke got a new hat and he looks great!  We found the right hat for the right price and the kids had a huge smile.

We are having fun on many hikes and treks- we have not been caught in a rain storm yet.  We came close yesterday, but we opted for the bakery instead.  Then we really needed to go on a hike- so we went in the mud and had fun!
Being by the ocean is a huge treat- the waves are so nice to hear.  We are into the Home Schooling as much as we can.  The kids are catching on quickly and their parents are trying to keep up!

Love to all at home!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Travelling to the North

We have made it to Paihia- a small town in the north area of the North Island.  How amazing the scenery is here!  Lots of palm trees and lush greenery.  Of course there is rain too- but it does not seem too cold.  I sure hope it warms up soon!

We are adapting to the Kiwi way of life.  We eat lots of Kiwis- just not too many.  We know that we wear our TOGS to the beach, have a cup of Milo before bed and will see at least one dead possum as we drive!  We have met many new faces and the kids look forward to more new friends along the way.

We are staying at an amazing place in Paihia- we have a view of the ocean and can walk to the harbour in a few minutes.  We plan to do a few tours while we are here- up to 90 mile beach and out on the water to see dolphins (we hope)
 Bye for now!  

Hiking the "Mount"

These are the photos of hiking Mount Maunganui- It was a good hike- we bribed the kids with treats and the promise of an amazing view!  How beautiful!  The stairs and steeps paths were worth it!   We could even see the surfers too.  

The kids loved playing in the rocks as the tide came in.  We found crabs, starfish and all sorts of shells as we explored.  The weather was unsettled for a few days here so the waves were pretty impressive.  Luke was not pleased because he could not go boogie boarding- he is hooked.

We are off- headed north soon.  We get to meet Mr. G's brother and family before we go!  

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Ocean!!!

We tried body surfing!  The kids LOVED it!  We were given some crazy looks from the locals- crazy canadians who go swimming in the middle of winter!  At least the kids had wet suits- poor Keith was cold.  Luke was yelling a big WOO HOO every time he caught a wave!  How fun to see the kids try it for the first time.

We staying at a lovely place close to the water- so we go as often as we can- and when it is warm enough!  We are home schooling lots too!  

We feel very blessed by all the friends who have treated us like family here.  God is good!  Love to all....