Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring in Kentucky

Life has kept up a frantic pace in our house and summer is approaching quickly!  Here are a few pics of life in Kentucky at the moment.  We are certainly blessed by our church and school friends.

Luke's class trip to Frankfort, KY

Inside the Capitol Building 

Rub Abe's shoe for good luck!

sweet sisters 

Megan's Classical Art Class 

proud mommy :)

Ellie singing and playing at the SCA concert

Megan's butterfly drawing

Luke fishing with Hunter

watching U of L and UK NCAA game

Zoo day with many friends!

My dear friends from church

Spring Flowers- dogwoods

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A slight change in plans and MORE....

Well....  we have finally discovered the limit for course load, family life and ministry commitments.  We're human and Keith is definitely not a super-human!  Seminary school plans have changed for us as life has become intensely busy and Keith's schooling was suffering.  We had figured that Graduation was within reach, but unfortunately he had to drop 2 courses to stay sane and keep his grades with the classes he kept.  So...  Keith will graduate in December 2012.  A bit of a disappointment for Keith, but I am thankful for a husband who puts his family first and keeps truly important things in perspective.  The Lord had really allowed these changes in our plans to be the best set of plans - God's plans!

Now- the exciting news in all of this is that Keith will be traveling to Iasi, Romania (pronounced Yosh) this summer with Training Leaders International to teach Romanian pastors a Hermeneutics course. (FYI- this means he will be teaching on Biblical Interpretation)  The team he is going with will have 10 other members of pastors and seminary trained men, who will also teach this TLI curriculum to Romanian pastors through translators.  The individual groups of Romanian pastors will hopefully be small enough so that Keith will be able to develop a relationship with them and he can benefit from learning about their years of ministry as well.  TLI is an exciting ministry that uses seminary trained men to teach pastors in unreached parts of the world while having these foreign pastors impart "real-life" experiences to the TLI teachers.

Training Leaders International trains, equips and empowers local pastors who lack access to formal theological education by mentoring, preparing and sending U.S. seminary students to serve as teachers.

 This 2012 Romanian team also has 3 women going who will be teaching on Biblical Womanhood, Life as a Pastor's Wife and Evangelism.  I had originally planned to go with the group and teach on Biblical Parenting, but the trip was going to be too long to leave the kids :(  Hopefully I will go next time!  

TLI has encouraged Keith to recruit some prayer and financial support in this endeavor.  If you feel lead to help us out with much needed PRAYER or financial assistance please contact us for the details.  I will be putting a prayer letter together and Keith will hopefully give updates from Romania on the TLI website- so let me know if you want to receive these :) 

Thank you all for your prayers and support over these past 3 years of Seminary schooling.  It has been a time of intense growth for our whole family and we certainly are trusting the Lord for the next phase!