Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

With Christmas and New Years all done I still have the Christmas tree up and no immediate plans to take it down! Even Keith is still okay with the tree in the living room... for now!

We had a wonderful break that went way too fast and was not long enough! I am thankful for the friends we were able to share Christmas day with- the Trebilcos from NZ, the Komatsus from Hawaii and Matt from the USA! We played so many rounds of Dutch Blitz that we could enter a state tournament- if there ever was one- and WIN! If you come to our house and the kids ask you to play- either politely decline or make sure you have practiced in advance!

Luke of course got Lego, Megan got a new power wing scooter (our way of getting her out to play more :) and Ellie a new chair to play her guitar on! Keith's mom gave him and beard trimming kit that he used to shave OFF his goatee.... LOL!!!

Keith made it to the dreaded mall to buy me some shower gel from store that offers many discounts for multiple purchases... poor guy got the to counter with 3 items and was informed that in order to get the deal of the day he needed THREE MORE items... well I got ONE very nice shower gel! I laugh when I think of the difference between men and women! For a girl getting 3 more would be Christmas all over again... for a man- well he would likely rather go to the dentist than shop more!

Hockey has arrived in Kentucky! Keith had a fellow Canadian bring down 12 sticks from Canadian Tire and he has now made 2 nets with PVC! The boys are ready! Our pastor is a Canadian and his boys love hockey- as well as a few other father/ son teams in our church! Let the games begin! A few of us moms have played (and have done very well I might add) , but we gracefully exit the scene once the men are sweaty!! Luke has been outside in the cold with his toque playing every day since the nets were made... awesome!

We are back to the school routine and basketball games galore! Ellie hurt her finger this week, but is on the mend! I love watching the intense Kentucky basketball fans.... very similar to the intense Canadian hockey scene!

Blessings to all in 2011!