Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to School for the KIDS!

Today was the day! Back to Dorothy Sayers Classical School and learning lots! All 3 were happy to go back- a little nervous, but who isn't on the first day of school??? The backpacks were full, the skirts were pressed, hairdos were slicked and we were even a bit early! We'll see how we do in a couple weeks :)

As you can tell I've have a bit of time for myself today and I'm updating the blog!

Take care!

Summer fun in L'ville

Summer is coming to a close ... 3 months went fast! Here are some pics from the Kentucky State Fair. We had a sweet girl- Carly- from our care group join us for the day! Once again there were amazing decorated cakes, intricate quilts and lots of livestock! It was fun to watch Keith judge the cows from a distance and choose the winners! They still all look like things that go MOO to me!! Carly got to learn all about cows... she did say that she preferred their smell to the pigs :)

Megan looks so sweet in her volleyball uniform! She has played 2 games and getting better each time! Ellie's team will start games next week! Busy times alright!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Year #2 here we go!

Yep- that's right- we've been here a year in Louisville and time has FLOWN! Keith started back to another semester of classes this week- a day after he finished his last paper from all the school classes he did this summer. He has been busy! His England/ Scotland trip allowed him to take 9 credits of classes and move along quickly with his MDIV program. He had the dilemma of deciding which classes to take this week- poor guy- all the classes are so good and he loves to grow/ learn /grow!!!

So- a year ago we were still in the hotel- the dodgy one bedroom America Extended stay. We had not bought our house, but were close! My dear Grand Pop had just passed away and I think I cried every other day! The kids were registered for school, but I still was teaching phonograms and grammar in the hotel to get ready for school! I am beyond thankful as I look back and see the miraculous and mighty hand of provisions from the Lord!

Speaking of looking back- Keith and I finally got rid of our Canadian cell phone. As we cleared all the memory, contacts and photos it was surreal. Sure, we have many friend/ family contacts stored in there, but then I could not believe all the farm stuff... feed sales, tractor parts, border broker guys, milk replacer sales, dairy farms, hay sales, veterinarians, calf buyers, seed brokers, parts sales, building supplies, real estate broker.... the list was so long and there was a memory for each of them. It is hard to believe that only 2 years ago we finished farming!

The kids are enjoying their last weeks of summer break. The girls have both joined the school Volleyball team and have practice twice per week. I've stepped in as an assistant coach- fun times! Meg had her first Middle school game last week and did really well for her first time! Ellie's JV team will start games in September. I also have all 3 kids in piano lessons with wonderful teachers! They have all kept up playing over the summer- we're still making up for lost time while we travelled and moved around.

So- sorry for the lousy grammar and sentence structure- hope it did not drive you all nuts!!!

Love you and look forward to hearing from you.