Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Plans for Louisville Kentucky....

Well..... we are on the move yet again. I've promised a lot of people that I will get this blog back on track AGAIN.... so here goes!

Since last entry we have gone through a long process of determining the next step for our lives. Keith did apply for the Senior Pastor position at our church and to make a long story short- it was not meant to be! We have experienced God's provision in so many ways- as always- through hard times and we are thankful for His goodness.

THE UPDATE- Keith has been accepted at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville Kentucky USA! We went down for a quick visit to see the school and check out the area... and have since made the decision to go. Now comes the hard part- good-byes and packing all over again.

The kids are finished school - it sure didn't seem like it was long enough for them. Ellie went with her class to Silverwood and now loves the roller coaster! Megan was awarded a Rick Hansen award for kindness and service to others- she was thrilled. Luke was just getting into wall ball with the older boys and now he tries to get his sisters to play. I am done my Pediatric Physiotherapy work and have given notice for a leave of absence. When I left my office for the last time- I cried. It is hard to leave a job I've done for 13 years! Even harder to say good- bye to some of the kiddos I've been able to help! Keith has preached his last sermon for Creston... we have 2 weeks to get ready and go!

Last week we sold the lawn mower and the 4 wheeler- now there's the van and Keith's truck. I have made enough lists to last a lifetime- good thing everyone in this household likes the lists- I don't think we could survive without them! We are down to the camping experience in our own house- it is amazing what you can do WITHOUT!

We will keep you posted as we get closer to leaving home!
Teresa and Keith Elaina. Megan and Luke

PS I think we have accepted the FACEBOOK thing and will sign on- will be a good way to stay in touch! Technology is something else!