Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Ellie

Ellie is 11 years old!  Hard to imagine our big girl beyond 10, but today she turned 11 and had a sunny birthday!  We tried to do everything that she wouldn't do in Canada that she could do in NZ- so we had lunch outdoors at a cafe, went to a berry farm and had ice cream, swam in the ocean and walked on the beach.   Ellie is still waiting for the proper Canadian time to be officially 11- so I guess when she wakes up in the morning we can say we have an 11 year old.  Pretty special to celebrate in NZ.  We'll hopefully get to Skype some grand parents and family before the week is out.

The NZ adventure continues every week.  Now that we are past the half way mark we are trying to make sure we don't miss out while we are here.  Last week we went back to Rotorua- yes it still smelled like rotten eggs- and visited Rainbow Springs.  It is a beautiful place for native NZ birds and animals.  There were also plenty of huge  Rainbow Trout- Luke announced loudly that he wished he had his fishing rod and that his Uncle Jeff would sure love to catch one of these.  We had to hush him up- the fish are protected there- not for food!!!  The kids had fun feeding the swans and ducks until Luke got in between a mother duck and her babies- she tried to scare him off by flapping on his back- what a funny sight- Luke kept his distance from the ducks after that one!  The highlight of the trip (for Luke) was seeing a Wallaby- he once again came through and impressed us with his ability to tell the boys from the girls-  with his barnyard voice of course.
The fishing also continues to be successful for the men!  Last lot was 23 fish and some big ones too!  The kids like the smoked fish now- our good neighbour looks after us quite well!  Luke still won't hold a fish and I have no immediate plans to gut a fish.  

Last weekend Uncle Brad and Aunty Megan came to visit for 2 nights.  The kids were thrilled to play with their Uncle Brad- flying paper airplanes, playing tag on the beach and helping pick berries (and eat berries)!  We are blessed with friends who are like family!   

We are still working hard at the home schooling and Greek (for Keith).  We get to the library for a fresh round of books every Monday.  The kids are hooked on Asterix and Oblix books!  I have tried to do some Christmas shopping, but it is hard to think that Christmas is coming.  It just doesn't seem like Christmas without snow etc.  It is funny to see all the NZ christmas cards with snow!  Where is the Santa on a surf board?  I did find some Christmas wrap with kiwis- that will have to do!

We made it to the Whakatane Santa parade- it was a lot like the Blossom Festival Parade- we even needed our hats- it was hot!  Poor old Santa looked pretty toasty!  

The kids are in the church Christmas play in Whakatane.  Luke is a shepherd.  Megan an Angel. Ellie- has a speaking part for the play!  It is fun to have something like home and for the kids to be involved in!  I'm not too sure how I'll get these costumes figured out- I will have to be creative!  

That's all for now!  Enjoy the snow in Canada!  The first snowfall is always so pretty- if you're not driving in it!  Take care.....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

3 Months in NZ!

3 months in NZ!  Hard to believe and yet when I look at all the photos on the laptop and all the school work the kids have done- I see where all that time went!  We are completely and totally loving our time in Ohope.  We have met a few neighbours and feel like we have a home!  One of our goals was to "live" somewhere else while we were away- Ohope has been perfect.  ( I still can't believe that the ocean is across the road.)
The kids will likely not go to school here- too tricky and not worth all the effort it would take.  The kids are content with that and are happy getting their school work done so they can go and play.  I'm amazed at what they learn and how fast.  I also admire those teachers at school and home schooling parents- not an easy task to teach!  

The fishing has been a whole new way of life around here.  We have a wonderful "grandpa" neighbour who has taken us all out on various adventures.  The men managed to catch 21 fish on their expedition last Saturday!  The kids now love smoked fish and mom likes the fish in well cooked dishes!  When we went as a family we tried catching flounder with a net that we set in the water.  The net was placed 50 metres downstream and we all walked in a diagonal line to scare the fish into the net.  Too bad the fish were not there that day- but we did learn a lot!  On that trip we did find some pippies (like clams) and dug those up.  Luke's big find was a piece of drift wood that looked like a gun.  That added to the sound effects in the boat!

Our "grandpa" neighbour also took the kids and I out a few days ago to try fishing in the harbour!  All of us caught a fish for the first time.  It was so fun to see the smiles and excitement!  I loved that I didn't have to bait the hooks or touch the slimy creatures.   When we got back Keith had the task of "preparing" the food- I don't do guts!

We have enjoyed the hiking in this area so far.  We did quite a long hike to Lake Tarawera and the falls.  We were impressed with the kids as they did a 7 km hike and ran one third of it!  The falls are incredible as the water comes right out of the mountain after travelling underground.  COOL!

We know all about Guy Fawkes Day now and have lit enough fireworks and sparklers for the kids to want to celebrate it at home!  Our neighbour next door had us over with his kids to light all these fun fireworks.  Whakatane had a big display too- we saw some of that as well.

So now we get the questions like- "how warm is it there in NZ?" or "will you still come home?"  We love it here and yes the weather is getting warmer all the time.  We're not running around in swimsuits, but we are putting on the sunscreen every day!  As for coming home.....  of course we're coming back to Canada!  We miss family and friends!  A few days ago Luke woke up in tears.  He missed Canada!  He missed his friends at school (listed them all), he missed his cousins (listed them off too), he missed his Gramma and he really missed his LEGO!   Poor guy- I think he got some ice cream later that day!   It is a little hard not knowing the "what next" in our lives, but we are totally trusting God to lead and guide us.  

Thanks for reading!  I love the comments- makes my day!  As for Christmas cards- send us an email or mail them to my mom and dad.  I'll hopefully have a note to send -we'll see!  I love all the Christmas photos and cards- the pictures usually cover one side of my fridge all year long- so please still send them! 

Love and hugs.......  from NZ

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rotorua and NZ fun!

Hello to all!  We are still here in NZ!  The kids are working hard on their home schooling and Keith on his Greek!  We seem to have a "home" routine now that we are not moving around every week!  I've enjoyed having my clothes in a dresser and knowing where to find what I need when I need.  Nana's house has been a wonderful place to stay- for all of us.   Our three have a couple of kids to play with next door and the ocean is across the road- although we don't get there as often as we should!!!  It has been cold here again and we're waiting for the big warm up!!

Keith and Luke have tried their hand at fishing!  So far 3 fish have been caught and eaten!  Very tasty when the fish is fresh.  The kids are learning to like it more.  Keith has big aspirations (fisherman disease) to catch the BIG ONE!  He heading out to deep waters with some neighbours on Saturday- hope they come back with more than stories!  I keep on telling him that he needs to pay off the fishing rod!

We did a quick trip to Rotorua last week.  It was fun to be tourists,  We went to the Agridome to see Sheep shearing, up the Gondola to go down the Luge and to the city park to see the "rotten egg factory."  (a.k.a. bubbly mud and steamy, smelly water)  Rotorua does have some smelly areas where there is geothermal activity all the time!  

We are finding that time is passing quickly and each week disappears.  We have some more plans to see more areas around here and do more fishing.....

The kids got a parcel from my mom and were so excited.  Luke was pleased to get some Lego.  We've offered to take it apart every night so he has something to do the next day!

Hope all at home are safe and well...