Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Spring 2013

Busy days this winter and spring have included club volleyball for both of the girls. Megan is playing on a 12 year old team and Ellie a 15 year old team.  I am coaching Megan's team and it has been so fun.  I do think we are getting "volleyballed out" at this stage in the season as 6 months of court time and practices can start to wear thin.  This has been a neat opportunity for the girls :) And I love watching my girls play hard and love the sport. 



we made a quick trip to Nashville to see a hockey game over spring break 
Mr. Lincoln's birthplace


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Disney World- 2012

After Keith's grad we went to Disney World with the Hanson grands! What a treat (and no papers, no books, no greek, no hebrew and lots of Daddy time for the kids)

Here is the summary of my Disney reflections :
- It's a Small World is still a great ride to ride - actually my fav.
- that place is huge, well cared for, expensive, and packed with people
- the fireworks and every show is top-notch!
- You MUST have a game plan for every day or you will miss something great.
- Line ups are okay as long as you have good company to stand in them with
- Grandpa Morris is amazing because he rode every single ride the kids did and more!
- I like shopping with Diane while the kids ride the rides.
- Disney is a great place for all ages
- I do not need to go again anytime soon... maybe one day with grandkids!

welcome to Christmas disney

Its a Small World! my personal fav

Grandma teaching Megan how to drive

Amazing light show

Kennedy Space Center

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Yahoo!  All DONE!  Completed! FINISHED! Woo HOO! 

Keith graduated December 7th, 2012 with his Masters of Divinity from SBTS.  We are beyond thankful for the past 3.5 years as we have all grown in so many areas of our lives.  Not only have the kids changed in countless ways, but Keith and I have too.  The seminary classes have deeply impacted our marriage, our personal lives and most importantly our relationship with Christ.  Our church- Immanuel Baptist Church has also been a huge part of our growth during our time at seminary.  We are humbled by the Lord's kindness and incredibly thankful!

We have some decisions ahead of us as to what to pursue next- for now Keith will plan to do a bit more schooling and pursue a ThM- a writing masters with more exposure to the languages. We count each day as precious and a gift from the Lord.
This is a picture from orientation in August  2009 

Dr. Ware

Dr. Gentry

Dr. Wellum

Dr. Mohler

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Washington DC!

We finally made the trek out to Washington, DC to see all the museums, sights and memorials!  Wow- it was amazing!  After 4 days our feet were DONE and our brains were FULL!  It was a treat to have daddy with the kids so much and spend time as a family.  Enjoy the pics :)

General Grant 


Washington Monument

WW2 memorial 

reflecting pond 

museum of natural history

Lincoln Memorial 

Thomas Jefferson 

Martin Luther King Jr


Vietnam Memorial 

random ferry on the way home

Korean War memorial